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Stormy Daniels Is Extremely Thrilled That Trump Is Finally Going To Prison


NEW YORK CITY – (Satire News) – One of the writers for Daily Drama, Cinderella St. Lamb says that there is no one in America who is happier that the goofy, talkative, lying fella is FINALLY going to have his big, puffy, butt sitting in Sing Sing Prison.

Miss St. Lamb spoke with Daniels, who said that during their fling, the Donald had promised her that he would divorce Melania Gertrude Knavs Trump and marry her within 48 hours.

Stormy said that the Big Mac-scented Trumptaco even gave her an engagement ring that he told her cost $1.83 million, but the truth of the matter is that it was actually appraised at only costing $85.95 from QVC.

The statuesque blonde babe giggled as she told Miss St. Lamb that Trump’s puny Vienna Sausage only measures about 2ΒΌ inches.


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