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Get ready, because your career horoscope for April 2023 says the planets getting the engine going and urging you to charge toward your goals. Aries season is underway, lighting a fire under your passions. Prepare for takeoff, because unexpected opportunities for success are on their way!

April will begin with Mercury—planet of communication—entering into earthly and head-strong Taurus on April 3. This transit will bring opportunities to stand your ground and express your worth and value to those around you in order to up-level your career. Just a few days later, we have a full moon in harmonious Libra on April 6 that will ask you to relinquish any tendencies towards people-pleasing and allow you to set infallible boundaries between your work and personal life. On April 11, Venus— planet of money and beauty—enters curious Gemini, bringing our desires for newness, intellectual stimulation and conversation to the forefront. If you have been feeling like your work-life is stagnant, this transit may signal a new beginning in your career.

And what would the month be without a powerful “standout” transit to shake everything up? We begin the upcoming eclipse season with a new-moon-total-solar-eclipse in Aries on April 20 that will have everything feeling heightened and important. Aries is a bold and brave energy, so you would do well to show up to any conversations that have conflict, power struggle or renegotiation involved with a sense of fearlessness. That same day, we switch from Aries season into Taurus season, allowing everything to feel a bit more grounded and stable than it has over the last few weeks. However, don’t get too comfortable, as Mercury retrograde in Taurus begins the following day on April 21. You would do well to end the month by reassessing, recalibrating and realigning with your purpose when it comes to work. Why are you doing what you’re doing? What’s holding you back from what you want to be doing? These are the major questions that April’s energy will have us all asking ourselves.

Now, let’s get into it: each of the twelve signs will have their career affected differently in the month of April. Read on below for both your sun sign and rising sign in order to get full clarity on what this month has in store for you!

How the Planets Will Affect Your Career This Month

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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Aries, it seems like you’re being asked to step into a leadership role in April. The month starts off with the sun still in your first house of self-expression, so make sure that you are making your presence known. There are conversations going on behind the scenes about you and your talent, just remember that not all progress in your career will require a “hands-on” approach. Sometimes the best thing to do is to share your ideas and step away while you let others chew on what you just presented them with. In other words, let your absence do the talking some of the time. People feel your presence when you walk into a room, but there is also power in the void space when you leave. In other words, his may be the month to take some time off and away from work so your colleagues and/or clients can truly understand how much you do for them.

With the full moon in Libra occupying your seventh house of long-term partnerships, make sure that you stay willing to let go of the habits, projects and points-of-focus at work that are draining your creative energy. Discuss delegation of your tasks, and if you are your own boss, this will be the month to outsource some of your work to an assistant or a project manager. There’s nothing to be proud of in exhaustion, Aries. Work smarter, not harder!

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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Taurus, the month of April will have you feeling unstoppable when it comes to your career! You are starting to think outside of the box, and it’s paying off. When you start listening to your intuition and allowing your inner voice to guide you towards your highest potential, I promise you won’t be disappointed with the outcome. April will be a great month for you to recognize the fruits of your labor. With Venus entering Gemini in your second house of material and financial gains on April 11, you will start to see just how much your ideas and projects truly mean in the world. Others will be more receptive to you at this time, and you won’t want to miss out on this opportunity to share your gifts! You may even have a new, long-standing relationship form with a colleague or client that will help you financially for the foreseeable future.

When Taurus season begins on April 20, bringing the sun into your first house of self-expression, you will start to see a resurgence of energy toward your work. Creative ideas will be flowing to you in a seemingly endless stream. Take what resonates and run with it, Taurus! The million-dollar idea is waiting for you in the brainstorming sessions you take this month.

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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Gemini, you will have to work hard to keep your personal life and work life separate this month. If you find it difficult to do so, you will benefit from taking some time off and away from work to recuperate and reassess your approach to work-life balance. With Venus entering Gemini and transiting your first house of self-expression on April 11, you will begin to notice your own purpose and value within your career. If you are not currently working a job that makes you happy, or at least has the potential to make you happy over time, this may be the pivot point where you take a new path. All of that will become more obvious when Mercury enters its retrograde phase in Taurus on April 21, landing in your twelfth house of dreams, secrets and the subconscious. This transit will bring you a chance to reevaluate, reassess your current situation and then recalibrate yourself onto a path where you can take steps to bring your dreams to life.

Life is not what it seems like now, Gemini. This is only a drop in the bucket of what your life is (and will be). It is your job to place your career in the appropriate ranking on your list of priorities. No one else can change your perspective towards your career but you. Now is the time to take accountability over your own life, but take your time! There is no rush to get to the finish line, dearest twins.

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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Cancer, with Mars still sitting in your first house of self-expression you’ll want to keep up the momentum in April and allow yourself to dive head first into the projects that you feel passionately about this month. Allow yourself to listen to that incredibly strong intuition of yours and be led towards the things that will bring you the abundance, freedom and happiness in your career that you deserve. With the full moon in Libra happening in your fourth house of home and family on April 6, you may feel inclined to take steps that will help you build a long lasting legacy. You could also shift into working remotely or becoming your own boss as this transit will release all unnecessary stress to be “in the flesh” in front of co-workers and clients. You have to ask yourself: if you enjoy a certain type of work-style, why force yourself into companies and positions that don’t fit your desires?

With the new moon solar eclipse in Aries falling in your tenth house of reputation and career on April 20, you will find yourself in the midst of unforeseen shake-ups in your career. Don’t fret, Cancer. Not all changes are bad! If anything, this change will have you feeling more powerful, confident and bold as your career shifts from where it is into where it was always meant to be. You are becoming the version of yourself that your younger self would be so proud to claim!

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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Leo, you are going to see a lot of foundational shifts in your career during the month of April. With Mercury and the sun both entering fellow fixed sign, Taurus, and lighting up your tenth house of career and reputation, expect to get the recognition that you deserve! Other people are speaking your name in rooms that you are not in, but the final phone call is going to light up your phone screen. You will get opportunities this month that you could have only dreamed of – but guess what Leo? This isn’t a dream, nor is it a drill! Allow that bold, confident roar to be heard from miles away as you celebrate these new ventures!

For some of you, you may be moving or traveling for work. With the sun still in Aries in your ninth house of travel and international ventures until April 20, don’t be surprised if you find yourself jet-setting for projects, events and meetings. This is going to be a powerful month filled with conversations that will truly change the trajectory of your life, Leo.

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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Virgo, with Mercury in fellow earth sign Taurus this month, you will be feeling confident, powerful and grounded in your own presence. Others are starting to see the way that you shine, and the right people are taking notice of your gifts. There is a sense of endings leading to new beginnings during the month as the new moon solar eclipse in Aries on April 20 lands in your eighth house of death and independent quests for purpose. If you have felt stuck, stagnant or simply not at your highest potential lately, that will all change by the end of this month. There is a powerful shift that comes from your boundaries. When you release ill-fit jobs, responsibilities and work relationships that make you doubt your value, you make space for confidence and power to arrive. Others will follow suit once you start to walk around with your head held high and your sense of self in check.

There may be a new opportunity to jump onto a dream project with the sun entering Taurus in your ninth house of travel and mentorship on April 20. People that you used to look up to will now be perceiving you eye-to-eye. Do not diminish all of the work and effort you have put into getting yourself to this place in your career, Virgo. You deserve the praise and opportunities that are arriving to you in April and beyond!

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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Libra, this is a powerful month for your career. April 6 brings a full moon in Libra in your first house of identity and self-expression, asking you to stand up for yourself and your desires in your career. If you feel like you are undervalued, this will be a great opportunity for you to ask for what you deserve and let others adapt accordingly. There is only so much time on this planet, and time is the most valuable (and non-regenerative) asset. Spend it wisely, Libra.

You may be having difficult but necessary conversations with co-workers or clients on April 20 when the new moon total solar eclipse in Aries lands in your seventh house of long-term relationships. The companies, clients and projects that you are investing in right now should be those that you see being around over time. Try to stay away from flippant investments in people and projects, and hold yourself to higher standards when you are deciding who (or what) you are allowing to take up most of your time and energy this month, Libra. This will pay off greatly as the year continues!

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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Scorpio, the month of April will prove to be very prosperous for you if you can follow your gut and spend your energy on the work opportunities that you feel most passionately about. Your naturally intense approach to life is a tool, and once you understand how to hone in on that tool and use it to your advantage, you will finally feel like you are set free. Your intensity will lead you to creating great results within your career this month!

One suggestion? Approach others with patience. As Mercury, the planet of communication, sits in your seventh house of relationships this month (and enters it’s retrograde period toward the end of the month on April 21) just know that you and the people you work with will all do best when you have time to think about the decisions that you are making. Knee-jerk reactions will not do anyone well in April. This is a month of slowing down and dedicating yourself to the long-term and sustainable approaches to the happiness and abundance that can come from your career. You just need to enjoy the journey a bit more!

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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Sagittarius, the month of April will be full of surprises when it comes to your career! It seems that there has been a bit of “behind the scenes” work from both you and the universe. If you’ve been feeling like there’s a big shift occurring, just know that with Saturn in Pisces now sitting in your fourth house of home and family for the next three years, there will be changes in your career that will be felt in your personal life, my centaurs. You are being brought to the edge, but it is up to you whether or not you are ready enough to take that big leap. What I can promise you is that blessings and rewards lay on the other side of you risking it all.

With the new moon total solar eclipse in Aries arriving on April 20 in your fifth house of creativity and pleasure, it is time to put these two themes in the forefront of your career search. Whether you are happily employed, currently seeking work or working for yourself, you will benefit greatly from doing a job that you love. You are, of course, ruled by the planet Jupiter, which means expansion and optimism are your birthright!

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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Capricorn, your career is going to take a turn for the better this month and it’s all due to the group of planets in Taurus transiting your fifth house of pleasure and creativity! You are destined to do something fun and exciting in April that will utterly change your perspective on life and work. You are breaking ties with outmoded beliefs around your job and how much that bleeds into your sense of self. Unfortunately, the realization that you are worthy and valuable *regardless* of your job can only come from doing something differently than you’ve done before. Change is usually the greatest conductor of happiness, but it can feel scary before it happens.

With the sun entering Taurus on April 20, give yourself the first few weeks of April to relax, ground yourself and prepare for the new and unknown beginnings that are awaiting you. Once this shift from Aries season into Taurus season arrives, just remind yourself: “I am ready for all of the new blessings that life has to offer to me. Show me how good it can get, Universe!” – you deserve this Capricorn.

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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Aquarius, when Mercury enters Taurus on April 3 it will illuminate your fourth house of home and family. Make sure that you are relaying reliable information to your loved ones about your availability this month. It’s okay to hunker down and prioritize work, but make sure that those that you care about in your personal life know that you may be a bit “M.I.A.” this month. When the full moon in Libra arrives on April 6, your ninth house of travel and higher education will be lit up, making it much easier for you to connect with work opportunities that allow you to have more freedom and flexibility in your daily life. Do not check out from your current circumstances just yet though, it’s okay to give something your all before you move on to the next opportunity.

If you are hoping to do more collaborative work, the new moon total solar eclipse in Aries on April 20 will open several doors for you as it occupies your third house of camaraderie and social groups. You will be releasing all of the barriers between you and your ideal workplace during this time. It will benefit you to participate in group-think activities. Don’t be shy, it’s okay to be the one who starts the conversation sometimes!

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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Pisces, with Saturn sitting in your first house of self-expression and identity for the next three years, remember that your dedication to the long-term goal will pay-off for you big time. As you continue to navigate this new energy, know that it’s okay to learn how to rest along the way. With Mercury entering Taurus on April 3, your third house will be illuminated by this transit and bless you with new opportunities to network and collaborate with people you admire. The creative inspiration will be flowing effortlessly for you this month as the sun joins Mercury in your third house on April 20. All of this positive energy will make it feel like you are on the right path. Although other people’s opinions and judgments are not necessary for improving your work performance, being surrounded by the right people will definitely affect your overall happiness within your career. Check-in with yourself as you carry forward. It’s okay to outgrow certain people and dynamics in order to make room for better suited people and dynamics to arrive.

When the new moon total solar eclipse in Aries arrives on April 20, it will land in your second house of finances and material gain. Be ready for sudden shifts in your financial health, and some new streams of income or a raise may be right around the corner for you if you can surrender into this shift. Be willing to let go of the things that aren’t working in your career in order to make space for the aligned options to arrive!

StyleCaster | The Manifest Issue 2023

Remi Bader. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

Meghan Rose

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