Incredibly bountiful and flavourful, jackfruit is the dream fruit of every jam-maker. So, for today’s recipe, we want to show you how to prepare a delightful jackfruit jam at home using nothing but the fresh, ripe fruit — zero added sugars!

Frequently Asked Questions

Green jackfruit vs ripe jackfruit — which one should you use for jam?

You must use ripe jackfruit to make jam: the riper it is, the sweeter and tastier the jam will be

Jackfruit is called green or young jackfruit when it’s unripe. It has pale green, firm flesh and a very subtle flavour.

Ripe jackfruit, instead, has bright yellow, juicy, and sweet-smelling fruit pods. Its taste is a cross between bananas, pineapple, and mango.

How do you clean and prepare ripe jackfruit for jam?

If you bought a nice big chunk of ripe jackfruit at the local market, you have to pull out the yellow fruit pods and deseed them before using them.

To do so, cut loose those white and narrow fibrous strands that hold the pods in place and then detach the pods (also called arils) from the hard shell.

Very Important: Before you start, you must oil your hands and knife, as those strands leek a super sticky, milky liquid that’s hard to remove even with soap.

Once you have detached all the pods, open them and remove the hard seed and the brownish membrane that holds it.

Finally, thinly chop the ripe jackfruit flesh and use it to make jam.

How does jackfruit jam taste?

Because jackfruit jam is made with ripe jackfruit, it has a wonderfully sweet and tropical taste.

Its flavour is a delicious cross between mangos and ripe bananas with a hint of tartness like pineapples.

And as jackfruit has low water content, the jam will be naturally thick and creamy, almost as silky as a custard.

What can I do with this jackfruit jam?

This homemade tropical jackfruit jam is delicious and versatile, and you can use it in many desserts, bakes, and treats.

Here are some tasty ideas with jackfruit jam we think you’ll like:

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