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From Hurt to Healing: Mending and Strengthening Your Marriage


I have seen firsthand how hurt and resentment can tear apart relationships, leaving lasting scars and pain. But I have also witnessed the healing and restoration that forgiveness can bring to relationships and families.

To have a successful relationship, forgiveness is necessary. One of the most important aspects of a happy marriage and a lifetime of love is the ability to ask for and give forgiveness. By forgiving one another, couples can free themselves from the damaging hurt and guilt that prevent them from feeling close to one another. 

People frequently confuse forgiveness with weakness and hold the view that by forgiving someone who has hurt you, you are endorsing or justifying their actions. But in a marriage, being able to forgive your spouse demonstrates that you are capable of having goodwill toward them. 

Giving yourself and your spouse the type of future you both deserve, free from pain and resentment, is what forgiveness is all about. It involves making the decision to live a life free from the influence of others and without being controlled by unresolved hatred and animosity.

You may go from feeling like a victim to being more empowered by practicing forgiveness, and this is essential for a happy and successful marriage. Your general health suffers when you harbor grudges and hatred. It overflows into every aspect of your existence. It affects how you view relationships. 

No one is perfect; it’s a fact. We all make mistakes. Sometimes, we make mistakes more often than our partner.

If you want to learn how to improve your relationships through the power of forgiveness, regardless of whether you are currently dealing with hurt in your marriage or family, this is for you. 

So let’s get started and see how forgiveness may strengthen and repair our families and marriages.

The Effects of Bitterness on Relationships and Families

-Marriages and families can suffer from being unforgiving. We block intimacy and trust in our relationships when we are resentful and refuse to forgive.

-Poor communication, distance, and even relationship dissolution can result from the hurt and hostility we harbor toward our partner.

Our health can be negatively impacted by resentment in both physical and emotional ways, which can result in stress, anxiety, and melancholy. Even our ability to eat, sleep, or carry out our regular activities may be impacted.

Families can become toxic when members can’t forgive one another, creating a feeling of abandonment, hatred, and estrangement. 

Resentment may make family members feel separated and alone, which would be detrimental to their emotional and psychological wellness. Grudges are ultimately harmful to the health and happiness of people, families, and society. 

Thus, we must acknowledge the consequences of being unforgiving and try to promote healing and forgiveness in our interpersonal relationships.

We are all aware of the joy and happiness that marriage and family life may bring.

However, resentment can lead to pain and make it challenging to move on after being wronged by our spouse or family members.

-It might be hard to let go of the pain and move on when we have been hurt by someone we love. We believe that the other party mistreated us and that they ought to be held accountable for it.

We might even believe that harboring our resentment and rage is okay. However, when we do so, it can cause a split in our relationships that can be challenging to mend.

We may be dishonest and closed off with our spouse or family members when we resent them. This could result in a breakdown in trust and communication, which would be detrimental to our relationships.

We are more inclined to lash out at our partner or family members over trivial or unimportant issues when we cannot forgive. And this will only result in more hurt and animosity, which makes it even harder to forgive. 

The Transforming Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a powerful tool that can change our lives and relationships for the better. When we forgive, we release the hurt and resentment we’ve been holding onto and give ourselves permission to get better and go on.

Some of the ways that forgiveness can improve our lives and relationships are as follows:

It releases us from the weight of resentment and bitterness.

When we harbor resentments, we bear a heavy load that can drain our energy and dominate our thoughts. But forgiveness frees us from this senseless weight and makes us feel lighter and free.

It encourages mending and peacemaking in our marriage.

Forgiveness allows for healing and reconciliation. It enables us to work together to improve our relationship and address the problems that contributed to the hurt.

It improves our capacity for empathy and compassion.

Forgiveness allows us to show compassion and empathy to others, especially those who have hurt us. Because to forgive, we must place ourselves in the position of the one who has wronged us and show them mercy and understanding. 

Forgiveness promotes intimacy and connection.

When we forgive and are forgiven, we develop a greater sense of intimacy in our relationships. We also grow a stronger sense of trust by being transparent and vulnerable with one another.

It fosters development and evolution on a personal level.

Forgiveness helps us develop and evolve positively on a personal level. As Christians, practicing forgiveness teaches us to own our mistakes and endeavor to become better people. As we work to improve as individuals and as relationship partners, it can foster personal growth and development.

The Connection Between Forgiveness and Love

Forgiveness and love are closely connected in our relationships. Love is the foundation of forgiveness, and forgiveness is an expression of love. 

Here are some ways in which forgiveness and love are connected:

Love is the motivation for forgiveness.

We are called to forgive others out of love, just as God forgives us out of His love for us.  Ephesians 4:32 says, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”  

Forgiveness is a manifestation of love.

It is a tangible expression of love, as it involves releasing the hurt and pain caused by others and extending grace and compassion towards them. “Above all, love each other deeply because love covers over a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8  

Love enables forgiveness to occur.

Without love, it can be difficult to extend forgiveness to those who have hurt us. Love enables us to see the good in others and to extend mercy and grace toward them. Matthew 5:44 reminds us: “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”

Forgiveness is necessary for love to flourish.

Resentment can create a barrier in our relationships and hinder the growth of love, while forgiveness allows us to let go of the past and move forward in love and compassion towards others. 1 Peter 4:8 says, “Above all, love each other deeply because love covers over a multitude of sins.”

Overcoming Resentment and Re-Establishing Trust 

Our lives would not be the same without the love, support, and sense of belonging that marriage and family ties provide. But when conflicts and disagreements occur, anger can fester and eventually erode the trust that formerly existed between partners or family members. 

When trust is betrayed, it can be challenging to mend the connection and return to how it was.

To maintain positive and rewarding relationships in this situation, it is essential to create effective resentment management and trust-building tactics.

Here are a few doable tactics that will assist you in overcoming anger and re-establishing trust in your marital and family ties:

Acknowledge the hurt.

If you are the one who caused the hurt brought on by the resentment, it is crucial to accept responsibility. This can be accomplished by expressing regret and offering an apology for the harm caused.

Be open and honest in your communication.

Restoring trust in a marriage or family requires open and honest communication. This entails being open to discussing the problems that have given rise to the resentment and hearing one another out.

Exercise forgiveness.

Overcoming animosity and rebuilding trust require forgiveness. It’s critical to be willing to let go of resentment and forgive the other person for their transgressions.

Spend quality time together.

Restoring trust in a marriage or family requires quality time spent together. This can involve doing things like going on dates, going for walks together, or just sitting down to talk and listen to each other.

Seek professional assistance.

If the anger and lack of trust are too ingrained to be handled on your own, it might be helpful to seek assistance from a professional. A therapist, counselor, or church pastor can assist families and couples in resolving their problems and improving communication.

The Benefits of Forgiveness

Any successful marriage or family relationship requires forgiveness. It is an incredible instrument that can mend relationships, reestablish trust, and heal scars. Families and couples can move ahead in their relationships with a renewed sense of optimism and understanding when they forgive one another.

Forgiveness can lessen stress and worry. When families and couples forgive one another, they can put painful remarks and deeds behind them and concentrate on the good parts of their relationship. This may contribute to the development of a tranquil and harmonious environment.

Forgiveness can improve the ties that bind families and couples together. When families and couples forgive one another, they can put the past hurt and resentment behind them and concentrate on the love and respect they share.

It can facilitate better communication within a marriage or family. Family members and couples can communicate openly and honestly about their feelings and worries when they forgive one another. 

This may contribute to fostering a more welcoming atmosphere, which will promote improved communication and understanding.

Forgiveness can foster a happier attitude toward life. When families and couples forgive one another, they can put the hurt and resentment behind them and concentrate on the positive aspects of their relationship. This will bring a more optimistic attitude toward life and increase happiness and fulfillment.

Any successful marital or family relationship requires forgiveness. It can lessen worry and tension, bolster the ties between partners and families, enhance communication, and cultivate a happier attitude toward life. 

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/fizkes

Emmanuel Abimbola is a creative freelance writer, blogger, and web designer. He is a devout Christian with an uncompromising faith who hails from Ondo State in Nigeria, West Africa. As a lover of kids, Emmanuel runs a small elementary school in Arigidi, Nigeria.


Emmanuel Abimbola

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