There are Chinese police stations in the USA, Canada and Britain. Do these countries have their police in China?
These police are on the hunt to threaten any Chinese people in those “foreign devil” nations that if they don’t play ball (or maybe, if they do) then the Chinese will threaten, torture or maybe kill family members back home.
And Sunak, Trudeau and Biden have done nothing. Do they know there are foreign police in their nations? Did they let them in? Trudeau’s under investigation for letting the Chinese help elect him into power … will Sunak and Biden soon face the same interrogation?
Yes, the Chinese are buying up the world, but you’d think some countries would be smarter – and richer – to keep the Chinese dragon away from their shores. Nope! Money attracts money, as does poverty, so whether your nation is rich or poor doesn’t matter, your leaders will let in the Chinese as long as they have enough cash.
And they have PLENTY of cash. They’ll buy houses right next to yours and spy on you. Once their cops are in your neighborhood, guess who comes next? Chinese soldiers! That’s right, the Chinese Trojan Horse is operating quite well, and the leaders of at least three Western nations have been duped. (How you doin’, Australia and New Zealand? Are you buying or blocking? How much money do you need, baby? China’s got what you need to make you rich and pretty forever, until your flags come down and theirs go up.)
Hear all that Chinese whispering coming out of the horse’s belly? That’s not indigestion. That’s the future.