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ICYMI April 2022: Issue #018


Welcome back for another edition of In Case You Missed It, our monthly retrospective look at all the amazing happenings in the Imgur community. We’ll cover highlights from Imgurians, heartwarming stories, original creations, and updates from the peeps here at Imgur HQ.
Let’s get started!

Post-Blockchain Analysis

*April Fools*

On Friday, April 1st, to poke fun at the NFT and crypto craze, Imgur announced its foray into the blockchain by introducing Very Fungible Tokens and providing the ability to award Dootcoin. Of the thousands minted on this day, ten VFTs rose to the top and claimed the prize of a physical dootcoin.

Thank you to every Imgurian who contributed to the VFT collection or donated dootcoins to their favorite creators. Even though the “On The Blockchain” initiative ended up being a gag, we hope you had some fun with it. Dootcoin will exist forever as the ten coin bearers will keep our unique currency safe.

So long and thanks for all the fish

*Farewell to an Imgurian*

In December 2021 Imgurian @Benedictcucumberpatch made a post titled Van life (cancer edition). In this post, she detailed her initial diagnosis, her reaction to it, and her plans for the future. After a few months, she decided to buy a van and spend her last days traveling her country. In a series of slice-of-life posts, she shared her journey with the community.

Throughout her expedition, thousands of Imgurians offered upvotes, words of encouragement, and donations to help her on her way. On April 10th, she posted her last travel update for the community, bidding us all farewell.

“Thanks for seeing me through it all, my friends. Twenty six years has flown by, but what a ride it’s been.” Her account was elevated to an honorary Legendary status, immortalizing her in Imgur history.

Happy 6th Annual Burt Gummer Day! Here’s 50 Intergalactic Quality Burt Gummer gifs from Tremors the TV series Part 1!

*Burt Gummer Day*

April 14th marked the 6th annual Burt Gummer Day. For the uninitiated, Burt Gummer Day is Imgur’s very own holiday created by @BabyFarkMcGeeZax to celebrate his favorite character from the Tremors series. In 2020, this tradition was referenced in the Movie Tremors 7 to the amusement of his biggest fan. In 2022, the Tremors TV series took the spotlight, with many scenes remastered in BabyFark’s signature Intergalactic Quality. To make things better, the team behind Tremors personally thanked him for championing the charge that is Burt Gummer Day.
Visit #burt_gummer_day to catch up on the tradition!

*Superhero Day*

In 1995, Marvel Comics employees created Superhero Day. This celebration of our favorite crime fighters has a dual purpose. In addition to highlighting the heroics of fictional characters, Superhero Day is also about respecting our real-life heroes. On the day, Imgurians shared stories of their favorite superheroes, fictional or otherwise. From historical figures and first responders to family and friends, anyone can be a hero.

Check out #Superhero to see the feel-good content you missed!

Sand Witch Chronicles #1 – Cucumber Tea

*Sand Witch Chronicles*

Sometimes you come across a post that you didn’t know you needed until you saw it. The “Sand Witch Chronicles” from Imgurian @MrSwissroll is a prime example. After seeing a list of sandwiches in User Sub (no pun intended), he committed to making them all in a weekly series of posts. With 40 sandwiches total and 40 weeks left in the year when he began, it’s safe to say he’s in it for the long haul. After years of lurking without as much as a comment, the Sand Witch Chronicles caught fire on his first post, prompting a surprised front page edit from @MrSwissroll. After the initial success of sandwich Saturday, thousands of Imgurians stop by every week to see the next culinary creation.

Check out the latest entry here

Update: I ran into the street dog again tonight, and managed to give her the meds! So the remaining tick’s should start dying off her within a day. Taking it day by day.

*Street Dogs*

Imgurian @greeezyfizeeek has a kind heart and can’t help but care for animals in need. Over the past few months, they have taken in and healed a handful of dogs for no reason other than it being the right thing to do. Like a superhero in a lawless town, they saw plenty of opportunities to do good. From food to medicine and even a nice bath, they’re doing their best to assist animals in need. With the help of donations from their fellow Imgurians, they have committed to helping as many doggos as they can, and we commend them for it.

I fought the nature, and I won!

*I Fought Nature*

There will always come a time when you need to make the best of a bad situation. Earlier this month, Imgurian @OlivetheNerd did exactly that. After expressing her disappointment with canceled breakfast plans, she decided to invite the Imgur community to join her for one of her ongoing projects – maintaining a local graveyard. What started as a disappointing day grew into something more.
Hundreds of Imgurians took to the comments across several posts to provide advice, donations, and words of encouragement. This led to @Axianamos joining the cause and lending a helping hand in person. As a result of her crusade, the maintenance crew is now lifting and cleaning gravestones officially. Fantastic work, Imgurians!

Before and After FINAL

*Bite-sized Invites*

For the past few months, Imgurian @RTK4740 has posted “bite-sized invites.” The goal is to provide a nudge to do simple household tasks. While this may seem trivial to some, they are helpful to his friend who suffers from depression. These posts foster a sense of accomplishment and encourage positive thinking.

Many of the entries come with difficulty levels ranging from level 1 being the easiest to level 3 being the hardest requiring the most time investment. From making mac and cheese to cleaning a corner with a wet paper towel, these invitations are great for Imgurians who need that nudge.

Check out the latest bite-sized invite: Changing a lightbulb.


*Metal Battle Vest*

After going to a concert and coming down with a case of vest envy, Imgurian @BjrnGodi decided to make one of his own. Music is one of the oldest forms of expression, and this metalhead harkens back to the time when that expression was reflected more in clothing. After a little self-reflection, they concluded that there was nothing wrong with bringing back a tradition from their youth. Like-minded Imgurians complimented his vest, and a few even shared their own. As it always does, music brought people together. Even if just for a moment. Rock on, friend, and keep your metalhead spirit alive!

See the rest of the vest in the full post.

Bugs - Imgur

You’ve made it to the end! Before you go, we’ll go over the currently known bugs on Imgur, and share updates on bug fixes we’ve made.

We are currently releasing app updates for both iOS and Android, be sure to update as soon as these updates are available to get your hands on the below changes.

iOS version 2022.07.0:
– We have added a “Report Reason” text area when reporting posts or comments. Want to share a little more info on your report? Write it in this optional area before submitting
– Resolved a bug causing blank tiles to appear on profiles when there are no posts or favorites to load

Android 5.13.0.
Please note: this release is taking longer than anticipated to appear to all users.
– Implemented the ability to upload directly to comments!
– Resolved an issue that caused posts with text descriptions to display incorrectly
– Patched multiple issues relating to app stability on older devices

Additionally, we are investigating reports of comments not appearing properly after submitting them on iOS devices. If you’ve experienced this, we’d love to hear from you in support!

A comprehensive list of known issues can be found on our help site.

If you ever experience something that doesn’t seem right, be it a bad ad or a bug, you can contact us here. Imgurians who report new bugs will earn the Bug Hunter and also receive a free month of Imgur Emerald!


Benjamin Baskett

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