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Owner of 2 CBD stores in North Dakota says proposed bill would kill his business and others like it – InForum – Medical Marijuana Program Connection


FARGO — The owner of two CBD stores in North Dakota is speaking out against a bill he says would kill his business.

Matt Yde owns and operates the Your CBD Store off 45th Street South in Fargo, and another in Grand Forks. CBD is a compound found in marijuana, but is not impairing, meaning it does not cause a “high.”

He spoke before the committee hearing on

Senate Bill 2096

in Bismarck Friday morning, March 3. He’s putting a lot of effort into opposing this bill, in part, because he says few others are.

“A bill like this has had very little opinion, and without the public letting them know how they feel about it, there’s no way that these can be opposed,” Yde said.

With thousands of bills still being heard by the North Dakota Legislature this biennium, Yde believes bills like the one that would increase regulations on CBD products are being rushed as a result. He says the bill has vague wording surrounding edibles and extracts that could have dire, unintended consequences for his and other businesses in the state.

“The way the bill was written, it would eliminate most CBD stores,” Yde said. “I’m sure it would eliminate 80% of products, if not all the products entirely.”

But even then, Yde believes the bill was written with good intentions, going so far as to say he agrees with several parts of it.

“We can have good regulation on the type of packaging and products and labeling, the synthetic…

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