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Bark Grafting Bradford Pear Trees | The Survival Gardener


It’s grafting season! We spent Saturday converting Bradford pear trees to fruiting pears with the help of our friend Randall.

We ended up doing grafts on six different trees. The most outrageous specimen was this one:

15 varieties on one tree!

It’s going to be work trying to keep all the suckers from taking it over, but it’s totally worth it.

We recorded some video of our own but are waiting for the grafts to start growing in order to give a “before and after” look at how this worked.

In the woods on the other side of the pond were four different Bradford pear seedlings which we over-grafted with better varieties.

Bradford pear is reportedly a great rootstock for improved pear, among its other benefits.

Why not turn an invasive into food?

Randall believes that due to the size of the trees we cut down and top-worked, we should start getting fruit next year.

That’s much faster than if we went out and bought potted pear trees and planted them in the yard – and it really doesn’t take long to graft. Six trees in one Saturday, at a leisurely pace, while filming – no big deal!

If we were being more deliberate and less artistic about it, we could have easily done 20 or more trees.

Stay tuned to see how this all works out. I am really excited.

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David The Good

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