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Our First Car!!!


We welcomed a new member into our family today. This is going to be like one of those posts when I first gave birth and I just shared a picture and a few words, with more details to follow. I’m too exhausted now to write up a whole thing, but I couldn’t not share the news.

Today I bought my first car. 

Yes, at 35 years old — today is my birthday!– I now am a first time owner of a car. Best birthday present ever!

First car for me. First time my family has a car of our own.

It was a lot of work and a lot of headache, but she’s finally here. 

Yes, it’s a she, I decided. I’ll have to decide on a name with my kids.

But we’re now proud owners of a 2008 Chrysler Town and Country minivan. 

More details to hopefully be shared soon.

But squee with me?


Penniless Parenting

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