Meet Deva and Durga – two of the cutest little feline siblings. Originally rescue cats from Etobicoke Humane Society, they have really hit the jackpot in their forever home. So very loved and cared for now, they are lovely cuddly kittens. I could have photographed them all day! And look at their home – talk about colour harmony!

Durga is the little girl. She’s spunky, affectionate and always interested in whatever you are currently doing. She even gave me her best ‘thinking face’, aka an adorable headtilt!

brown tabby sitting on bed with head tilt

Deva, on the other hand, was not a healthy boy on the day I met him. In fact, he is the reason why his mum contacted me for this session. He had just been diagnosed with an illness that did not have a great prognosis and she wanted to capture her potentially short time with him.

But, spoiler alert! Thankfully, he has responded well to the course of treatment and is doing great! In fact, there is hope that he can make a full recovery. By the time I delivered his and Durga’s final artwork, he was a completely different cat – curious, active, and everything a healthy kitten should be.

brown tabby cat on red bed at home

Indoor cat photography in Toronto

Cats are often photographed indoors (although I just had a session with a very solid, confident adventure cat outdoors) and people wonder how to get great portraits in their home. The first thing I would say is this: declutter the space where you want them photographed. Any time you see piles of random items in the background, it will detract from the most important piece of the portrait – your adorable furry family member.

The second thing to be very thoughtful of where the light falls in your home. In Deva and Durga’s case, their cat tree sits beside a bank of floor-to-ceiling windows. Coaxing them onto the furniture is really easy and creating engaging portraits becomes a wonderful experience.

tabby cat looking at camera on cat tree

We grabbed some lovely woven baskets, stuffed them with towels, and placed them in them. While there was some wiggling, they pretty much stayed put.

two tabby cats in woven baskets at home

We ended the session with Durga jumping. She’s a great athlete and was more than happy to show off her skills. As I mentioned, by the time I delivered the final portraits, Deva was feeling much better and is now quite willing to jump. Guess what we will be doing at our next session…?

tabby cat jumping at curtain

I’ve photographed 3 kitties with mum now. See what she has to say here –> REVIEWS?

Need an indoor session for your deserving feline? Get the details and contact us below:


  • Pre-session Design Consult that ensures we create images you will be thrilled with.
  • The result is gorgeous custom artwork the life your pet shares with your family.
  • A personal Ordering Consultation to ensure you select the right images from the gallery.
  • Please note: The Creative Fee covers time and talent to photograph a maximum of four (4) subjects, which can be any combination of people and up to two (2) pets who live within the same household. Additional subjects may be photographed for a small additional fee.
  • Examples of portraits from Posh Pets Boutique™ Sessions can be found here.

Karen Weiler

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