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Ginny the Sucker Ain’t Blowin’ No Whistles


Saturday, 14 January 2023

A whistleblower (who shall remain nameless … duh) associated with the American Supreme Court has revealed that Ginny Thomas, wife of the black Jabba the Hutt, is in deeper than anyone ever thought.

She is known, among the various justices, regardless of their political affiliation, as the “Pass Around Girl”, the “G-Spot Bicycle”, and “Ginny the Sucker”. What do all these nicknames mean?

Seems that the Supreme Court is so powerful, being their own branch of the American government, that they can pretty do whatever the hell they want. And too many of them love doing Ginny. They pass her around, do whatever, and she loves every minute of it. She’s the “Go To Girl” as well. That’s why she’s always smiling in photos. Jabba buys and sells her ass for long weekends, for New Years Eve, renting her out by the hour … and for that, you can commit one crime per year – so make it a good one!

Since there just aren’t enough laws in American “law”, the justices can be more evil than a Weinstein or an Epstein (too many steins and not enough beer) and completely get away with their crimes and never have to pretend they hung themselves in prison.

Anita Hill was trying to muscle in on Ginny’s turf … that’s what that was. And Amy Coney Barrett … well, we all know where she goes to “church” to lie down and spread wide for da man … (putting the pieces together? And you thought Epstein was the worst of the worst! There’s always someone vying for the top job.)

Will Ginny one day be known as the “Goodbye Girl”? Hell no, she’s married to a frickin’ judge, bitches! And that judge can tell other judges and presidents and anyone else to fuck off and mind their own business, Clarence the Pimp Daddy needs a new purple Cadillac!


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