In this week’s particularly predator-dense selection of photographic highlights, we cannot help but start off with the exciting news of us finally finding one of the Ntsevu Female’s dens. It had been a long hard search but eventually, we were rewarded with a stunning sighting of five little lion cubs. Lions make up a good portion of this TWIP, with the Ntsevu Sub-adult Males looking fantastic, the Talamati Pride moving through the area too, the Ndzenga Males around and looking well, and the Nkuhuma Sub-adults thriving too.

Leopards appear to be around every corner and making the most of the new young impala lambs and kudu calves. Or simply just resting in the limbs of marula trees. either way, the leopard viewing has been fantastic.

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Enjoy this Week in Pictures…

The Talamati Pride have been spending more time roaming the lands of Londolozi, here one of the lionesses lies just a few metres away from our vehicle with another just beyond her, as you can see a paw sticking up into the air.

A dominant male leopard over the majority of the north. He originally took over the 4:4 Male’s territory when he died.


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Img 6251

A cheetah on a fallen marula tree is seeming to become an iconic Londolozi Cheetah shot, this male cheetah hopped up onto a fallen marula tree to scan the surrounding grasslands in the late afternoon. Possibly looking for any last hunting opportunities or ensuring there was no danger nearby before settling down for the evening. 

Kc White Crested Helmetshrike Chicks In Nest 1

This White-Crested Helmetshrike and his/her chicks had us captivated as we stumbled upon them while off-roading through a Bushwillow thicket. As cooperative breeders, the chicks are reared by both sexes as well as assisted by helpers in the flock.

Img 0802

Utilising termite mounds for a similar reason to the fallen marula tree also allows for great black-and-white opportunities thanks to the contrast of the spotted coat coupled with the clear backgrounds.

Sz Ntsevu Lion Cubs 7587

After a long hard search we were delighted beyond belief to find one of the Ntsevu Female’s dens of five little lion cubs. 

Sz Ntsevu Lion Cubs 2985

We spent some fantastic time watching the little cubs suckle from their mother before adventuring around little further.

CT Buffalo Portrait Oxpecker

An extremely tolerant large male buffalo endures a number of Red-billed Oxpeckers hopping around his face in search of any ectoparasites- parasites living on the buffalo’s skin.

A gorgeous female who is found to the east of camp. Easily recognised by her 2:2 spot pattern she is often to be found in Marula trees.


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Forced into early independence as her mother was killed by the Southern Avoca Males.


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23 sightings by Members

Initially seen as a young male in 2016, this leopard only properly established territory on Londolozi in mid-2019


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33 sightings by Members

Kc Giraffe With Young Calf

Giraffe calves although born weighing in at nearly 100kg (220lbs) are dwarfed by their mothers. We guestimated that this young giraffe was about a week or two old only just reaching the height of her tail.

Sdz 2911

Licking his lips to finish cleaning himself after a period of feeding on the kudu carcass.

White Backed Vulture High Key [rcb]

A White-backed Vulture perches upon a dead knobthorn tree in the warm, late afternoon sun

Kc Elephants Drinking Weavers Nest Pan

As the morning began to warm up significantly this herd of elephants swiftly headed towards Weaver’s Nest Pan for a drink.

Kc Ndzengha Male

Now, new fathers of a number of different litters of cubs, the Ndzenga Males have held their own up until now. The big question is whether will they be able to hold on for long enough for the Ntsevu Females to raise these cubs successfully. 

Ct Ntomi Male At Water

The Ntomi Male has developed a habit of sticking around the same area for a few days at a time, making him a regular find. Largely independent now, but still moving within his mother’s territory, we should expect him to start exploring further abroad in the coming months.

A single cub of the Ximungwe Female’s second litter. Initially rather skittish but is very relaxed now. Birth mark in his left eye.


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25 sightings by Members

Kc Xinkhova Female W. Impala Lamb Kill

We had only been following the Xinkhova female a short while when she leapt into the darkness and reappeared with this impala lamb. We couldn’t believe our luck! She then wisely headed straight up the nearest tree to catch her breath and enjoy her prize.

A stunning young female with a very similar spot pattern to her mother, the Nkoveni Female. Litter still completely intact March 2022.


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16 sightings by Members

Ntsevu Sub Adults Kng 2

The Ntsevu Sub-adults are doing a superb job of sneaking beneath the radar and buying their time. They are now all growing into impressive young males, but will likely still be a while before they are able to claim a territory of their own. 

Senegal Bush Male Snarling [rcb]

The Senegal Bush Male snarls at a hyena that was waiting beside the tree in which he had a hoisted impala kill. Safe to say the hyena heeded the warning…

Ntsevu Lioness Gazing [rcb]

A Ntsevu Lioness gazes back toward the rest of her pride after awakening from her day of slumber

Ximungwe And Cub Backlit Golden Light [rcb]

The Ximungwe Duo walk away from our vehicle in the late afternoon sun. Although now fully independent, the Ntomi Male has been seen with his mother on the odd occasion.

Having been viewed by vehicles from an early age, this leopard is supremely relaxed around Land Rovers.


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75 sightings by Members

Sean Zeederberg

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