Self Help
Morning routine ideas from billionaires – Easy and fun
Start your day in the perfect way with these easy-to-follow morning routine ideas. Set yourself up for success and find out how billionaires start their day.
Not being a morning person is a bit of a myth. Although we tend to label ourselves in this way there really is no scientific evidence to back it up. You may prefer to sleep a bit more in the morning and stay up late at night, but this shouldn’t be the only way you behave. With a bit of will power and a good morning routine anyone can feel like a morning person and really take charge of the day.
By daily focusing on self-care and maintaining a positive outlook you are laying the corner stone for a productive and satisfying day.
What should be in a morning routine?
Morning routines can vary from person to person. They are different for everyone and there is no right or wrong way of starting your day. Try out a few ideas and see what works for you.
Have some fun with it and try adding ideas as they come to you. Once you have done this a few times you will settle into a pattern that works and really gives your day the boost it needs.
What are the benefits of establishing a morning routine?
- Clearing your mind and helping you stay focused
- Giving your confidence levels a boost
- Helping you to maintain a state of patience and calm during stressful times
What billionaires do in the morning
According to here are some morning routine ideas of the very wealthy:
Oprah Winfrey
- Rises at 7 AM
- Brushes her teeth
- Takes her 5 dogs for a walk
- While waiting for her espresso she reads a card from “365 Gathered Truths” box
- Check out the app on her phone to see her daily Bowl of Saki.
- Meditates
- Works out for 1 hour
Elon Musk
- Rises at 7AM
- Reads for half an hour
- Responds to emails while drinking his coffee
- Doesn’t eat breakfast
- Sends his five sons off to school
- Showers
- Drives to work.
Jack Dorsey (Founder of Twitter)
- Wakes up at 5AM
- Meditates for 30 minutes
- Does a 7-minute workout three times
- Drinks his coffee
- Heads to work
Warren Buffet
- Rises at 6:45AM
- Reads the newspaper such as Wall Street Journal or USA Today
Jeff Bezos
- Wakes up naturally without an alarm
- Holds a high-IQ meeting before lunch
Bill Gates
- Wakes up at various times
- Runs on the treadmill for and hour while he watches DVD’s
- Eats Cocoa Puffs throughout the day as he doesn’t eat breakfast.
Sara Blakely (Founder of Spanx)
- Wakes up
- Drinks a frozen smoothie made of berries, cherries, kale, dates, cinnamon, spinach, cilantro, fresh mint, lemon, water, ice, chia and walnuts.
- Takes a yoga session at 6:30AM
- Drops kids at school
Mark Zuckerberg
- Wakes up
- Checks his phone in bed.
- Looks at Facebook to see what’s going on in the world.
- Checks WhatsApp and Messenger
- Gets up
- Wears the same outfit each day
So now you have some morning routine ideas for billionaires, and it is very clear that there is really no pattern to it. Remember, each routine is very different and suits each person just as well.
Here are some morning routine ideas for you to try.
Morning routine ideas for a busy day
- Wake up early (not before 6am) so you have time to properly prepare yourself for the day ahead
- Carefully stretch your muscles to loosen yourself up
- Turn on some upbeat music
- Exercise for 30 minutes (walk, run or cross trainer)
- Drink a large glass of water
- Stretch again or yoga for 10 minutes
- Have a hot invigorating shower
- Get dressed in an outfit that makes you feel fabulous and confident
- Blend yourself a quick power smoothie (Find my personal recipe here)
- Check your diary for the day while you drink your smoothie
- Make a to do list
- Check your emails
- Head out motivated and ready to master your busy day
Morning routine ideas for a relaxing day
- Wake up naturally with no alarm
- Carefully stretch your muscles to loosen yourself up
- Slip on a bathrobe and head to the kitchen
- Make yourself some breakfast and sit and enjoy the quiet time
- Drink a coffee outside and listen to nature
- Do a crossword
- Catch up on some news on the TV
- Have a long warm bath with Epsom Salts
- Dress in comfy casual clothes
- Sit and read a book or a blog post
- Take a short walk
- Meditate
- Feel refreshed and ready to enjoy the rest of your day
Please follow me or share this post with friends if you found it inspiring. Thanks.
Rachel Mills
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