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The Royal Family is a Large, Ruthless Corporation – Called the ‘Organization’


Prince Harry called it ‘the Organization’ in a recent Anderson Cooper interview.

Formerly a Top ‘Organization’ Leader – he Crossed ‘Mr. Big’ and is now outside looking in.

It’s leader – behind his ‘folksy’ demeanor – can be as cold blooded an ‘Enforcer’ as any Mafia Don. (Or American Ex – President).

The Corporation has $50 Billion in assets but likes to tap the British Taxpayers for 100 million$ a year – rather than spend their own money.

It has its Royal Hand in cozy deals all-over Britain, Wales and Scotland.

Right now, it is holding the people of Scotland Hostage because of the Big Money Scotland generates.

It has its good – time Girls – some get to marry into the ‘Organization’ – some remain Royal play – Babes.

It has Black Limos and secret lines of power and communication to the newspapers and Parliament.

A Movie about it would be great with Daniel Craig as the Hero who busts-up this Nefarious Organization and its Rackets.

(This is Basil (The Church Hood) Blathering – I do the local ‘Rackets’ at the Church Socials.)

(Personas are so Fun at times.)


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