Yearly Beloveds: Jennifer Gareis (Donna), 
John McCook (Eric) and Rodney Van Johnson 
(Sheila’s Attorney)

My New Year’s resolution is to:
Gareis: “To do good for others, charity work or helping people I love.”
McCook: “To stay positive in my personal life and at B&B.”
Van Johnson: “Book more jobs.”

How likely are you to keep it?
Gareis: “I don’t make resolutions if I can’t keep them!”
McCook: “No problem!”
Van Johnson: “I’m very lucky. I’ve been reading for a couple of shows so hopefully something will come together. I’m very close.”

What’s top on your to-do list for 2023?
Gareis: “To learn a language, maybe Italian.”
McCook: “Get more exercise.”
Van Johnson: “Book more jobs [laughs].”

My biggest goal for this year is:
Gareis: “To find balance between work, family and friends.”
McCook: “Stay masked and healthy.”
Van Johnson: “A six-pack!”

What about 2022 will you remember most fondly?
Gareis: “Traveling to Paris with my sister, and my folks visiting L.A.”
McCook: “Hearing my name at the Emmy Awards.”
Van Johnson: “Watching my sons grow up and seeing my boys grow into young men.”

What about 2022 do you hope to leave in the past?
Gareis: “Covid! I never want to see it again.”
McCook: “Any anxiety about anything.”
Van Johnson: “Covid. Dissension. Racism. Let’s leave all of that behind.”

What I’m most looking forward to in 2023 is:
Gareis: “Having more family and friends come and visit me in L.A. now that we’re settled in our new home.”
McCook: “A beautiful standing rib roast and mashed potatoes.”
Van Johnson: “More opportunities to show myself outside of what people think I am.”

Something I’d like to find more time for in 2023 is:
Gareis: “Reading, taking a cooking class or business class. Just stretching myself in some way.”
McCook: “Sitting at the piano.”
Van Johnson: “Sing karaoke. I’m a karaoke freak. That’s my release.”

Something I’d like to do less of in 2023 is:
Gareis: “Worrying! I have to have faith that things will work out instead of worrying.”
McCook: “Checking my email for more scripts…. They’ll call.”
Van Johnson: “I’ve done a lot of [advocacy] work, which I love, and I don’t want to sound selfish here, but I’d like a little more ‘me’ time.”

A place I hope to travel in 2023:
Gareis: “My daughter is making me say Bahamas. We wanted to go for the last two years and have not found the time.”
McCook: “The High Sierras.”
Van Johnson: “Egypt. I want to see the pyramids.”

My dream storyline for 2023 is:
Gareis: “Marrying Eric and the whole family being present, especially my [TV] daddy and his new girlfriend.”
McCook: “Eric and Donna kidnapped for ransom and held at George Clooney’s Lake Como house.”
Van Johnson: “Whatever they want me to play.”

I would love it if in 2023, my character got to:
Gareis: “Have a honeymoon with Eric in Europe, but actually go on location, maybe Capri or Mykonos or Monte Carlo.”
McCook: “Get cast in a movie with George Clooney and Donna.”
Van Johnson: “Have a relationship with Sheila. I think that would shake things up.”

In 2023, I’d love to work more with:
Gareis: “Patrick Duffy [ex-Stephen], my daddy! And, of course, his gorgeous girlfriend, Linda Purl [ex-Lucy].”
McCook: “More with Heather Tom [Katie].”
Van Johnson: “Kimberlin [Brown, Sheila].”

I hope I can look back on 2023 and say:
Gareis: “That my whole family, not just immediate, was happy and healthy.”
McCook: “ ‘Boy, Lake Como was beautiful, wasn’t it?’ ”
Van Johnson: “I’m a black, bald man with a gray beard. I don’t think there are many of those individuals on TV right now, and I’d like to see more of ‘me’ on TV.”

My hope for the fans in 2023 is:
Gareis: “They are happy, healthy and fulfilled. And, of course, they keep watching B&B.”
McCook: “That the fans are even more happy with B&B.”
Van Johnson: “That everyone remains happy, healthy and safe all year long.”


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