Happy Valley series 3 episode 4 must be the most thrilling episode of the BBC series EVER and that’s saying something – here’s our review of what happened.

Our hearts are still racing after the tense final minutes of the Sally Wainwright drama.

We can’t believe what we just saw!

Where is Tommy heading? Is Catherine’s life in danger?

Here are all the burning questions we have ahead of next week’s penultimate episode of Happy Valley.

***Warning: spoilers from Happy Valley series 3 episode 4 ahead***

Tommy Lee Royce (James Norton) got his hair cut off ahead of his court appearance (Credit: Lookout Point/BBC)

Happy Valley series 3 episode 4 review: Where is Tommy Lee Royce going?

The closing minutes of Happy Valley series 3 episode 4 saw Tommy make a dramatic escape from court.

We knew something BIG was going to happen.

We suspected Tommy would escape, but we didn’t guess how.

Viewers saw Darius Knezevic‘s henchmen Matija and Ivan pick a fight in the waiting room of the court where Tommy was facing trial.

As all hell broke loose, security rushed to the scene of the fight…

Leaving Tommy’s courtroom dangerously under-staffed.

In shocking scenes, Tommy (James Norton) elbowed one of the security staff in the face, and kicked the other.

Then he made a rather epic escape from the courtroom – knocking down anyone who got in his way.

Before they were able to lock down the building, Tommy was out the front doors and gone.

Honestly, if it’s that easy to escape from court, then crime really does pay…

We looked on in delighted horror as Tommy ran into Rico’s newsagents – explaining the coded message in episode 2 – where a disguise was waiting for him.

Viewers last saw the rapist and murderer Tommy Lee Joyce cycling down a street looking as smug as it’s possible to look underneath a mask and sunglasses.

The killer question, of course, is where is he going?

Catherine Cawood sat at a desk in Happy Valley series 3
Sarah Lancashire deserves ALL the awards for her portrayal of Sgt Catherine Cawood (Credit: Lookout Point/Matt Squire)

Will Tommy kill Catherine?

Writer and creator Sally Wainwright has promised a “cathartic face to face showdown” between Tommy and Sgt Catherine Cawood in series 3.

Which is exactly what the viewers want.

But, surely only one of them can walk away alive?

We know this is the final ever series of Happy Valley, so it’s predicted that one of the main characters will have to ‘win’.

Is Tommy on his way to get his revenge on Catherine, played by Sarah Lancanshire?

Is he was in his right mind, he’d get as far away from Halifax as possible and enjoy his freedom.

But then, we know he’s not in his right mind, if he ever had a right mind to begin with!

We know that if Tommy hurts Catherine, Ryan will never forgive him.

So what is Tommy going to do next?

Rhys Connah as Ryan Cawood
Rhys Connah as Ryan Cawood in Happy Valley (Credit: Lookout Point/Matt Squire)

Happy Valley series 3 episode 4 review: How will Ryan feel about his dad now?

Ryan watched on helplessly as his dad Tommy escaped from the courtroom – and prison – before his very eyes.

He saw Tommy violently attack several security guards in a bid for freedom.

So will Ryan finally realise what his dad is capable of?

In the forthcoming showdown between Catherine and Tommy, we really hope that Ryan will side with his granny if forced to make a choice…


Darius and Zeljko Knezevic in Happy Valley
Alec Secareanu and Greg Kolpakchi as Darius and Zeljko Knezevic in Happy Valley (Credit: Lookout Point/Matt Squire)

Why did the Knezevic’s help Tommy?

So, why did the Knezevic’s help Tommy escape from prison?

Was it to stop him from turning informer?

He obviously knows too much about their ‘business’ but surely they could have just killed him?

We don’t trust the Knezevic brothers one bit, and think they could still kill him on the outside.

Unless they want him to work for them?

Will Catherine be able to bring down the Knezevic brothers before Tommy gets to her?

Faisal Bhatti and Rob Hepworth in Happy Valley series 3
Faisal Bhatti killed Rob Hepworth’s wife in Happy Valley series 3 (Credit: Lookout Point/Matt Squire)

Happy Valley series 3 episode 4 review: What did Tommy really do to Becky?

In moving scenes, Catherine begged Neil not to take Ryan to visit Tommy in jail anymore…

Little did she know, he wouldn’t be in prison for much longer!

During the heart-to-heart, Catherine explained that what Tommy did to her daughter Becky was “worse than you will ever know”.

She revealed: “Only Daniel and I know the real truth of what Tommy did to Becky.”

She has previously hinted that Tommy’s behaviour towards Becky was abhorrent, but what did he actually do?

And will we ever find out?

What will Rob Hepworth do with wife Joanna’s murder? And will he get blamed?

In more jaw-dropping scenes, Rob found his wife’s body stuffed in a suitcase in his garage.

We think we can safely assume that pharmacist Faisal Bhatti finished her off, and hid her dead body.

Will Rob report Joanna’s death to the police, knowing damn well that he’ll be prime suspect?

Or will he try to dispose of the body, which will then make him complicit anyway?

It was a genius move by Faisal – either way, Rob looks guilty.

Everyone knows he’s controlling and a terrible husband, so will he get blamed for Joanna’s death when the truth comes out?

And will Faisal get away with murder?

The penultimate episode of Happy Valley series 3 airs on Sunday, January 29, 2023 at 9pm on BBC One.

What do you think of Happy Valley series 3 episode 4? Leave us a comment on our Facebook page @EntertainmentDailyFix.

Helen Fear

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