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I’m Prioritizing Wellness This Year, These 30 Nordstrom Items I’m Ordering ASAP


On my long list of resolutions for the new year close to the top is focusing on wellness. Now when I say that I don’t mean elaborate wellness trips or making any major lifestyle changes, I just want to be more intentional on how I take care of myself. After all when you’re not taking care of yourself in the way your body needs you can’t show up as your best in other areas of your life. The main things I’m focusing on are getting enough sleep, after all feeling well rested is the best way to kick ass in life both professionally and personally.

I also want to focus on my skincare and doing things that make me feel centered like taking long baths, listening to my favorite podcasts while walking around New York, and cuddling up with an Ugg blanket to watch my favorite movie, and integrating some wellness supplements into my diet. When looking for items to help me on my wellness journey the retailer I turned to was Nordstrom. They actually have an entire section on their website dedicated to all things wellness. I rounded up 30 items that I cannot wait to try. 

Keep scrolling to see what made the cut.


Grace O’Connell Joshua

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