Self Help
Om for Meditation – 18 Surprising Benefits of Chanting Om
Here’s some insight into what you should know about Om, where it originated, and how to use Om for meditation.
What does Om mean in meditation?
There are many explanations of the meaning of Om and no right or wrong answers.
First let’s look at what Om is: Om, or Aum, is a word with three sounds: “A”, “U”, and “M”. The vowels ‘A’ and ‘U’ are put together to create an ‘O’ sound.
Aum or Om is considered to be one of the most potent mantras in history. It originated from the Hindu and Buddhist principles and is used regularly as a powerful mantra by many people around the world. In case you weren’t sure, a mantra is a word, sound, or a phrase that is spoken repeatedly and often used as part of a meditation ritual.
One theory of the meaning of Om is that it represents the entire world and all of its vibrations, therefore acknowledging our human connection with the universe.
Another similar interpretation is that om is the foundation source from which all other sounds and words originate. This simple word is chanted in meditation and yoga classes to connect with the greater self, link to the universe, and deepen your meditative experience.
How do you use Om for meditation?
1. Firstly find yourself a quiet place where you can sit comfortably and won’t be interrupted.
2. Start to slowly take deep breaths in and out.
3. Feel all the muscles in your body relax.
4. When you are ready as you breath out start to chant “Ommmmm”. Hold the “mmmmm” until you need to take another breath.
5. Breath in and chant again. Try to keep each chant going for as long as is comfortable but fit it to your breathing pattern and try not to allow your breathing to be dictated by the chanting.
6. Say the ‘Om’ syllable to try to reflect this sound: ‘O-O-W-M-M’, follow this by a silent pause as you breath in and then repeat.
What are the benefits of using Om?
There are many perceived benefits of using OM for meditation. Not necessarily scientifically proven as far as I know, but here are 18 of those benefits that I think you will find interesting.
- Chanting Om for mediation helps to purify the atmosphere around you and generates positive vibrations.
- Using the Om mantra can help to really improve your focus and concentration.
- It is thought that chanting Om chanting can boost your immune system and your ability to self-heal.
- Some research which was published in the International Journal of Yoga indicates that chanting Om for meditation may assists in the deactivation of your right amygdala. This is a part of your brain that is associated with controlling negative emotions.
- The vibration that the Om sound creates is clearly sensed deep into your vocal cords and nasal passages. Many believe that these vibrations are able to widen the sinuses and help you breath more easily.
- Chanting Om for meditation can stimulate your mind and assist you to enter a meditational state which in turn may help you to enter a mode of deep relaxation.
- The flow of the vibrations you create when chanting Om is not only beneficial to you but also to the people near to you.
- By utilising the Om Mantra and entering a relaxed state of body and mind your blood pressure will be lowered and this can have huge cardiovascular benefits.
- Any chanting whether it is Om, or another mantra may strengthen your vocal cords and the surrounding muscle tissue.
- It is thought that the process of rubbing your hands together when you chant OM can create a charge. By then placing your charged hands-on certain areas of the body you are activating a healing process.
- A great control over your emotions can be achieved by chanting Om for meditation. This helps you to keep a clear mind and handle difficult decisions rationally.
- Many people use chanting Om for meditation daily as a way of experiencing a spiritual voyage to achieve greater happiness and positivity. Meditation is a process and takes time. To really feel the benefits from it you should aim to practise it daily and be patient.
- Group chanting of the OM Mantra can have a powerful effect. The large quantity of positives vibrations that are created can potentially charge up the entire surrounding area.
- Benefits are not only for the mind and spirit. It is thought that chanting Om could potentially help to brighten your skin. The large amounts of internal positive energy that this mantra produces can be mirrored externally with a warm radiance on your skin.
- The core muscles surrounding your spine may also benefit from chanting Om for meditation. The resonating vibrations coming from your abdomen stimulate the muscles and strengthen them as they do so.
- The “u” sound that your vocal cords create when chanting Om can benefit the thyroid gland and strengthen the throat muscles.
- Life always comes with pressures and that will never change. But feeling too much stress and anxiety can cause your body to produce toxins that may have damaging physical and mental effects. By using Om chanting you are able to eliminate the production of toxins by lowering stress. This then leads to a feeling of rejuvenation.
- Chanting Om can help to detoxify your body. If you are able to regularly engage in meditation, it can contribute to enhancing your bodies detoxification process. This is done by improving your blood circulation and oxygen levels in your blood through deep breathing when chanting.
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Rachel Mills
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