Dating & Love
Dating Options besides Online Dating
You’ve probably heard the old adage: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. It’s true. As a dating coach for over 25 years, helping singles navigate the wilds of online dating, I find the most success with clients who really put themselves out there— as most are looking for a long-term relationship.
Sure, we all have limited time—but if a relationship is truly your goal, you’re going to have to be a bit adventurous. Invest a bit of time. Trying multiple avenues results in the highest level of success!
Let’s get you out of your same ‘ol friend rut and routines.
So, here we go:

1. Take a group Pickleball clinic
If you haven’t heard, this is the fastest growing sport in the US—and it’s easy to learn unlike tennis or golf. Any may I mention this is the most social sport around? When I first moved from the West Coast to East Coast last year, I could not believe how many singles I met at these clinics. My phone blew up with new girlfriends—-and après pickleball dates. Plus, it’s a blast!

2. Dog Parks
Furry friend owners tend to be super friendly and it’s so easy to strike up conversations.
3. Take an adult learning class
There’s so many: from learning a language to glass blowing to design classes. You’ll be feeding your brain, enjoying something new—and meeting new people off your social radar.

4. Trivia Nights
Take one friend (no more) and they will generally pair you in groups of 4. Believe me, you’ll laugh hysterically at some of the answers your teammates and competitors come up with! Plus, you won’t be just sitting at a bar trying to strike up a conversation.

5. Volunteer at a homeless or pet shelter
Not only will you be doing something good, but the opportunity to meet singles with the same passions will be present.
6. Give speed dating a shot (again)
Yep, this has improved over the years with an equal number of men and women that targets your age group. Why? Because you never know and they, too, are looking to meet someone. Talk about pre-qualified!

7. Yoga and Pilates
Guys, you’ll be like a kid in a candy store as the majority will be women. Plus, you are doing something great for your mind and body.
Other ideas: Attend alumni events, join a new gym, join a book club at your local bookstore.
The more energy you put out in the dating world, the more you’ll get back! Countless clients who are doing online dating with me say “What happened? All of a sudden, my calendar is so booked”. Not just with quality online dates, but with quality singles from other walks of life.
So, go for it! I’m always happy to recommend ideas in your area.
Text me at 702-494-7344 for a free15-minute assessment as to whether you’d be a good fit for my programs and to see if I can help!
I’m happiest when you are happy—and of course my best high is when you meet someone!

Happy Dating!
Andrea McGinty and Luna
Dating Consultant/Dating Counselor
Founder of and
Featured on Oprah, Today Show, WSJ, People, NYT and more
Andrea McGinty
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