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How To Deal With A Lying Manipulative Child? (5 Strategies Inside)


How to deal with a lying manipulative child? Fibs, whoppers, or just plain untruths? Kids are likely to lie at some point regardless of what you call them. Smaller children are more likely to invent intricate stories to explain away the kicking of younger siblings. Whereas adolescents are more likely to flat-out lie about completing their assignments.

Clinical psychologists state that the beginning of lying can be both rapid and severe at times. When asked what changed, they replied, “They used to be quite truthful most of the time, but now they lie about a lot of stuff.” Naturally, this worries parents. The truth may eventually emerge, though. If adults are aware of the reasons children use fibs and are equipped to handle the situation.

Tossing a fit is as natural for kids as breathing. They learn to have temper tantrums about everything before they even learn the word. Babies learn early on to express their needs for food, sleep, or attention by crying. Cry for food, a diaper change, or some lap time, and their parents will respond, reinforcing the idea that crying is effective.

As infants become older, they use that previously untapped information. They coerce their parents into giving them whatever it is they want—toys, chocolates, extended playtime, pizza, etc. They use pleading, sobbing, or flattery to persuade their parents that they “need” those items while having plenty of them already.

If those strategies don’t work, or if they’re not producing the desired outcomes, the child may resort to other methods, such as lying, badmouthing, guilt-tripping, or doing a favor or chore in order to convince their parent to give in to the child’s requests.

In order to get their way, kids will use all sorts of deft strategies, which is another word for manipulation. There are instances when kids would use such deception to get what they want, whether it is the approval of their parents, siblings, or peers.

What is a manipulative child?

A child with a high level of manipulative behavior may use others as pawns to get what they want. Whether it be their favorite snack, a new toy, or the approval of their parents, teachers, babysitters, siblings, and friends. Manipulation entails the use of deceptive or otherwise deceptive strategies to influence another person into doing what one wants them to do.

Some forms of manipulation are linguistic in nature, such as when children falsely accuse you of being uncaring and unloving. On the other hand, a manipulative youngster may try to use guilt or favor to make you feel obligated.

3 Alarming Signs Of A Manipulative Child

The indicators that your child is manipulating you may not be obvious at first glance, and you may dismiss them as innocent childish misunderstandings. If you have a child that is prone to manipulation, it may not always be easy to identify their strategies and put an end to their behavior.

The question of whether or not your child is manipulative can be answered, however, by looking out for a few telltale signals. Which ones are they?

1. Altercations of Emotion


If you say no to your kid too often or for too many things. They could develop a strong sense of entitlement. When you deny someone’s request, they may become agitated or tired of waiting. When this happens, it can be difficult for the child to keep their emotions in check.

As a result, they may act out aggressively, have an outburst, cry, or be disrespectful to others. As a parent, you could feel unsure about how to respond to such powerful emotional activity. You might feel compelled to give in to the child’s desire or wish out of worry for them.

2. Outbursts of Temptation


Your child’s use of tantrums as a form of manipulation is common. Temper tantrums are characterized by brief, explosive displays of anger by your child until they get what they desire. They may resort to emotional blackmail, such as withholding food or refusing to speak to you, in order to get what they want from you.

Your child may start ignoring you completely or yelling insults at you, telling you things like, “I hate you,” “You’re the worst parent ever,” “I don’t want to live with you,” etc. If you refuse to buy them a new toy or candy while you’re out and about, they may resort to public displays of humiliation, such as lying on the floor and sobbing loudly. Even while temper tantrums are common in young children, you should intervene if your child has them frequently.

3. Lying

Child Is Lying

When a youngster wants something from their parents but cannot obtain it from them, they may resort to deceiving others or playing the victim card to acquire what they want. In certain cases, this may even compel you to give them more than they truly require.

Your youngster may lie to get what they want or use guilt to get their siblings, parents, or other family members to help them out. Emotional blackmail is another tool at their disposal. Your youngster may resort to gaslighting or causing another person to question their own views or judgments if they have the ability to do so and get away with it.

5 Effective Ways On How To Deal With A Lying Manipulative Child?

In order to deal with your child’s manipulative ways, consider the following:

1. Think about what you want to accomplish and write it down

Critical Thinking

It is impossible to succeed at anything without first establishing clear objectives. Children will inevitably resort to deception occasionally in order to acquire what they want. But if you notice that they are repeating the same actions over and over, attempt to give them more concrete objectives to work toward.

You may, for instance, dare the kid to remain quiet about a certain request for seven days. The child would learn to stop and think before acting on impulse. The child’s disposition can improve dramatically after just one week, and the door to manipulation and instant reward will be closed.

2. How To Deal With A Lying Manipulative Child? – Put together a strategy

Ask question Tips To Promote Creative Thinking In Children

When your child repeatedly demands something or needs your attention, you might create an action plan for them to follow. Focusing on family values and developing admirable character traits should be high on your list of priorities.

With some guidance, you can tailor an approach that works for your child. For example, if you want your child to modify their behavior or start doing more healthy things, those are two examples of attainable goals that can serve as the basis for an action plan.

Put it in writing and post it where your kid will see it on a regular basis, like the fridge or the wall. This will show your kid how to behave appropriately and still achieve what they want out of life.

3. Get your kid’s attention by taking away their focus

Lack of focus

Distractions are another tool for dealing with your child’s manipulative behavior. If you have to decline a child’s request or delay in satisfying it, distracting them with play or another activity can help them cope.

Find a few diversions that your youngster can use or is interested in that appeal to his or her particular sensory modalities.

Your youngster may become distracted by things they see, such as their favorite TV show or a picture of their favorite animal. You can also utilize music or songs that are pleasant to listen to yet distinct from the sounds your child is used to.

The novelty of the experience will pique the kid’s interest and serve as a convenient diversion. Touchable distractions, both living and inanimate, are another option. Children benefit from tactile distraction because they are stimulated by the pleasant sensations they experience when touching things.

4. How To Deal With A Lying Manipulative Child? – Exhibit positive behavior for your child to emulate

Positivity to deal with anxiety

Using yourself as a role model for your child is a common and effective technique. By witnessing how other people behave, we are able to “socially learn” how to behave in a socially appropriate manner. Instilling in your children the virtue of waiting patiently for what they need is a great way to set a good example.

In order to teach your children patience, you might act out a scenario in front of them to demonstrate the concept. This method can be used to instruct pupils in a wide range of areas, including communication, self-control, and social interaction.

You may also teach your kids about manipulative behavior management through indirect role modeling by showing them a movie or reading them a story that includes lessons on the topic.

Because the child’s identity would not be tied to the story’s or film’s characters, you could teach them without having to worry about embarrassing or shaming them.

5. Collaborate and educate

talking with kids

Guided participation is the process of learning with a youngster. Help your kids feel more comfortable by reading them a story or playing pretend with them. By switching roles, both adults and children can better communicate their feelings, gain insight into one another, and model and perfect good behavior. As a parent, you can benefit from this experience by learning to view the world through your kid’s perspective.

Several methods could be used for this purpose. You can write stories, practice mindfulness through activities like yoga or dance, draw a variety of characters, or reenact a moment from memory using dialogue, just to name a few.

Final Thoughts On How To Deal With A Lying Manipulative Child?

These were the tips on how to deal with a lying manipulative child. When someone is manipulating you, it can be difficult to recognize the signals. because they are frequently subtle and not obvious.

Nonetheless, if your child exhibits any of the following behaviors, it may be an indication that he or she is trying to manipulate you.

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Prattay Mazumdar

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