If you’ve ever been lucky enough to be loved by a Golden Retriever, then you know just how brilliant and loyal these precious pups can be. They pick up tricks and tasks oh-so-quickly, making them the best helpers in the house. And with his brains and beauty, Tianlang is a shining example of this stellar dog breed.

Boasting nearly two million followers on Chinese social media platforms Douyin and Kuaishou, this golden boy is a pretty popular pup in his country. But a video of Tianlang tucking his mom in after she fell asleep with her phone in hand has earned him worldwide viral fame. And once you see just how caring he is, you’ll love sweet Tianlang too.


Taking Care of Mom

In the most adorable dog video, Tianlang sees his mom has fallen asleep while playing on her phone and gently takes the phone from her hand. After setting the phone aside, he makes sure his mom won’t get cold and covers her with a blanket. But the clever pup isn’t done tucking her in quite yet. The overhead light needs to be turned off, too, so Tianlang reaches up with a paw and flips the switch!

What a good boy!!


But Tianlang’s tender care comes as no surprise to his mom because, as she told the Daily Mail, he’s a gentle and caring dog with a “human-like” way about him. And has been ever since he first joined the family in 2014.

“Tianlang is very obedient. He is quiet at home, but active when he goes out.”

And since his family started his training at two months old, Tianlang, whose name means ‘sky wolf’ in Chinese, has mastered so many skills. He can do silly twirls and even knows how to count!

Photo: Daily Mail

His mom shared, “He also carries my shopping and practices kung fu with me.”

Photo: Daily Mail

“He learns things really quickly and likes helping me out. I treat him as a five-year-old child.”

Photo: Daily Mail

“I love him. He loves me. We have a strong bond. He knows what to do as soon as I give him a look.”

Watch sweet Tianlang tuck his mom in for the night in the video below:

Feature Image: Viral Stories/YouTube

Kelli Brinegar

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