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Dealing With The Third trimester: What To Do Before Your Baby Comes


Preparing for a new baby can be really exciting, but the last trimester definitely can be difficult and stressful, with all the preparations that need to be done before the baby comes, as well as dealing with any health issues or aches and pains that may crop up during the end of the pregnancy. Here are some things you might want to do in your third trimester. 

If you’re in the third trimester of your pregnancy, you know that things are about to get a lot more exciting. Soon, you’ll be holding your baby in your arms, and all will be right with the world. The third trimester can be fun as well as challenging at times, but there are several things that you can do to ease some of the discomforts that come with it.

Get Plenty of Rest

The third trimester is like the final boss in a video game. It is the toughest of all. You may find yourself so exhausted that you can barely walk, let alone get out of bed. This is normal and natural. Your body is preparing for labor, which requires a lot of energy. If you’re feeling tired, take a nap. Don’t feel guilty about resting. Giving birth to our future generation is one of our most important duties. Take all the rest you need.

If you’re still not motivated enough to get a good night’s sleep, you should know that John Hopkins Medicine reports that women who get insufficient sleep during pregnancy, that is less than six hours over the course of 24 hours, have a higher risk of developing pregnancy complications, including longer labors.

Don’t Give Up Exercising

You’ve probably heard that exercise is great for moms-to-be, but you might still be wondering whether it’s safe for you to keep moving during your third trimester. The answer? Yes. Exercise can be more beneficial than ever now than you’re expecting.

It helps strengthen your body, as well as stretch your muscles and ligaments in preparation for labor and delivery. And it gives you a great excuse to get out of the house or away from work, which is especially important given how close you are to meeting your baby.

When exercising, Mayo Clinic recommends simple walking if nothing else feels right. You can also do light aerobics, cycling on a stationary bike, or swimming. Weight training is also okay as long as you don’t lift too much weight.

Consider Colostrum Harvesting

You may have heard of colostrum, but you may not know what it is. Colostrum is the first milk produced by the body during pregnancy. This yellowish breast milk is high in protein, antibodies, and other nutrients that help protect against infections and illness in your newborn. The production of colostrum ramps up after giving birth and transitions to the production of regular milk by the third or fourth day.

But what is colostrum harvesting? It is essentially collecting some of that early colostrum and storing it for possible future use. It might be a good option if you are expecting twins or can’t breastfeed your child after labor for reasons, such as health complications. Stored colostrum can also help babies deal with health issues that occur soon after birth.

Although generally safe, colostrum harvesting is not a process that is recommended for everyone. Therefore, do be sure to check with your doctor before signing up for it.

Learn Stress Management Techniques

Pregnancy is a very stressful affair, and that stress only increases when it reaches its final stages. But stress can be bad for your unborn baby, and frankly, for you. There is no one way to deal with stress. You can see what works best for you. It can be watching a movie, taking a walk, or listening to music. You should be unapologetic about your psychological need during the time of pregnancy.

Meditation and mindfulness exercises are common ways to reduce stress and strengthen your mind. As it has been shown time and again, and a recent Frontiers study proves, these mindfulness exercises have a direct and tangible effect on the well-being of the mind. There are different kinds of such exercises available. Search through the internet to see which suits you best. Remember to give it some time.

Eat A Balanced Diet

Everyone knows you need to eat right during pregnancy. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t satisfy your occasional cravings, but here is a broad idea to follow. John Hopkins Medicine lists food items you should have and items you should Avoid during pregnancy.

The items you should eat constitute fruits, vegetables, dairy, protein, etc., essentially a balanced diet of whole foods. However, the items you should avoid include unpasteurized milk or cheese, raw or undercooked seafood or meat like in sushi, luncheon meat, or refrigerated pate.

Remember that everyone has their own dietary requirements, and you should seek advice from your doctor before deciding on a diet during pregnancy.

Do Not Hesitate To Ask For Help

When you are in the third trimester, you may find that your body is telling you that it needs help. Your baby is growing and stretching out, which can take a toll on your body. Asking for help from friends and family members can be a wonderful way to get some rest and even feel supported through this time.

Some feel they don’t want to become a burden on their family or loved ones. But remember, your loved ones would love to assist you simply because everyone wants to be a part of this beautiful process. You’re creating another human being, after all. The least the others can do is run your errands for you.

Remember, you’re not in this alone. There are plenty of resources out there for moms-to-be and new moms alike. If you feel overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to ask for help.


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