Just a quick post today but I believe it’s a sensationally useful one. Today you will learn how to tone your thighs without the need for a gym membership. Working from home, looking after the family and the house doesn’t leave a lot of time for working out. I don’t do as much exercise as I used to for one reason or another and now I’m 44, little bits of me are really starting to head south. I’m determined to not let myself go and always look my best no matter what I’m doing.

With a lot of us working from home these days there is a real temptation to get into a rut and not bother with our appearance, but I believe you should make the effort for yourself not for others. When you get out of the shower and look in the mirror naked, you want to feel confident and think yes, I’ve still got it. This will do wonders for your state of mind and confidence.

Don’t have time to workout? Your how to tone answer is here.

Not having time to work out is totally understandable but here is a really effective way of keeping those buns nice and tight without any real effort or added inconvenience to your day.

I’m about to let you into my top secret which will tell you how to tone your buttocks, inner thighs, saddlebags and all the other jiggly bits around there. Don’t worry, you don’t need to find extra time in your day to work out. This exercise takes as little as 2 minutes while you clean your teeth. Simple!

Each morning and night when you clean your teeth do 50 lunges. It’s as simple as that. This way you get 100 lunges a day!! After a few weeks you will notice your bum tightening up and your legs will feel stronger.

Start tonight. It’s so easy.

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