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Hunting in the Snow | Show Me Nature Photography


Today’s post features a lone, red fox as it forages in Yellowstone’s Lamar Valley, for rodents under the snow cover.

Watching a red fox hunting in snow is a real treat. Using their ultra-sensitive hearing, when they hear a noise under the snow, they stop, tilt their head and listen for the sound of rodents running about, under the snow. Once they identify the location, they will leap in the air and come down, nose first, into the snow … and often re-emerge with a small rodent in their mouth! Unfortunately, this fox was not able to locate any rodents:

  • Canon 1D Mark 3 camera body
  • Canon 500mm, f/4 IS lens + Canon 2x TC
  • Bogen 3021 Tripod, with Wemberley gimbal head
  • ISO 200
  • Aperture f/11
  • Shutter 1/1250 sec.


James Braswell

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