MELBOURNE, Australia, May 12, 2022 (
Choosing the right pet bed for a dog or cat may seem like a simple task, but it can be quite the feat. The wrong bed can completely alter a pet’s health, happiness and well-being. Aussie Pet Doors, the leading provider of cat and dog beds Australia-wide, advises pet owners on how to choose the perfect pet bed for their furry friend.
A simple switch to a new bed tailored to the pet’s needs can make a world of difference. In particular, dogs typically spend around 50% of their day sleeping and a further 30% lounging around – even more for puppies – so pet owners should think carefully when choosing a new bed. But how to know whether a pet is unhappy with its bed? Aussie Pet Doors reveals that a pet refusing to sleep on their own bed is a telltale sign that they have the wrong bed. Although this may seem obvious, many owners mistake this for bad behaviour or a simple case of a pet wanting to be closer to its owners, explains the pet experts.
Aussie Pet Doors explains that the discrepancies are obvious when pet owners start to think deeper about cat and dog beds: large beds given to small animals may make them feel too vulnerable and flat beds could make older pets’ joints ache. Aussie Pet Doors recommends assessing the pet’s needs. If the pet is a puppy with a tendency to chew everything, opt for a chew-proof bed. For an older dog, choose a sturdy material like memory foam to ease aching joints. For cats, cat trees can be the perfect all-in-one solution: they provide a bed to sleep in, elevated ledges to perch on and a scratching post. Many cat trees even come with cubbies for the felines who like to crawl inside boxes.
According to Aussie Pet Doors, giving a pet the right bed can make a visible difference in the pet’s happiness. Aussie Pet Doors stocks a range of cat and dog beds: outdoor, indoor, small, large, and everything in between – shop online today.
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Source: Aussie Pet Doors