Mel B’s Ex-Husband Stephen Belafonte Rushes To Court, Pleads For Emergency Hearing Over Spice Girl Star’s Alleged Drinking & ‘Bizarre’ Behavior
For his part, Stephen accused Mel of being impossible to co-parent with. He said her filing was “riddled with lies and inaccuracies that are demonstrably false.”
“I have attempted to co-parent and work with [Mel], however, [Mel] refuses to co-parent in good faith,” he said while denying he didn’t keep her informed of Madison’s whereabouts or who her caretakers were.
He added, “First, and most importantly, I must address the fact that this is not the first time that [Mel] has harassed me and claimed that I have failed to co-parent with her and provide her with information related to Madison’s caretakers. Despite the proof that I previously provided to the Court and [Mel], [Mel] has continued to assert that I have failed to provide the requested information to her, which is simply false.”
The two are set to faceoff in court next month.