Get those annuals working!

Your orchard trees are long-term investments that may take years to pay off. Planting a mango or an apple or a plum is an investment in the future.

It’s a great investment, too, as trees take very little care to maintain after they’re established.

Yet we shouldn’t overlook the super-fast production of annuals. Pumpkins, cucumbers, cabbages, radishes, beans… you can plant seeds and be getting food in as little as thirty days!

If you join together the long-term marathon of stability and production you get from trees and shrubs with the sprinting over the finish line you get from annuals, you can create a survival garden that feeds you both now and in the future.

This is what we’ve been experimenting with in the Grocery Row Gardening system. There’s a constant stream of food coming in from the backyard even before the trees have made a single fruit. In the video above, I share how we use some transplant beds to create lots of little kohlrabi plants we can add to our rows in between sleeping trees.

You can learn more about this system and haw we built it in Grocery Row Gardening.

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David The Good

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