Self Help
500 Followers On Instagram – Milsy Girl
My soul is doing cartwheels!
After 6 months of regularly visiting the incredible app Canva and spending hours each night creating positive and uplifting posts I finally hit 500 followers on Instagram. I feel like singing “hallelujah” and setting off fireworks in my back garden, but I know the neighbours wouldn’t appreciate that.
I just ran excitedly in to my husbands office to declare my elation only to be shot down with “Is 500 a lot then?”. Bless him, he is not in the Instagram world and doesn’t understand about these small wins.
Despite this I will not let my positive mood be broken.
It’s quite a funny sensation and I am struggling to find the precise reason why I have these feelings.
I have read many posts on Medium from writers discussing how they feel when they achieve a certain number of followers. It’s a fascinating topic and I’m sure there is a scientist somewhere who can explain why we feel the way we do.
My explanation, using what little brain power God gave me, would be that my ego has taken a massive shot of boosting juice. I feel elated that I have managed to create content that has appealed to people other than myself. We are all looking for that secret ingredient in whatever we create, be it writing, or graphics, or music. The idea of producing something so appealing that it triggers a positive reaction from another person is insanely motivating. Then they click the follow button which sends the message that they want more. Suddenly you have an audience who would like an encore.
I sometimes wonder if I can continue creating that magic or will it one day run out? In theory the momentum should build and the achievements just continue to grow, but we all know nothing is certain in this life, especially when the dreaded algorithms are in control. Whether it will or it won’t I’m enjoying the ride.
I am hugely grateful to those 500 followers on my Instagram account and I will endeavour to continue producing uplifting and motivating content. I want to be their sunshine on a grey day and the drop of positivity that lifts their spirits when they are feeling low.
If you have an Instagram account I would love to connect with you. Here is my link.
I hope to see you there.
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