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Darktide’s new patch brings big bludgeons, necessary nerfs, and beefs up the crafting system


The grim dark of the future hits version 1.0.20 today. Warhammer 40K: Darktide (opens in new tab) has a new patch (opens in new tab), and it’s brought with it new weapons, updates to the crafting system, and a much-needed nerf that will no doubt still make someone very angry indeed.

First up among the patch’s additions is a pair of new weapons. The Zealot and the Ogryn are each getting a shiny new power maul: A two-handed “Indignatus Mk IVe Crusher” for the former, and a one-handed “Achlys Mk I Power Maul” for the latter. Big sci-fi hammers for big sci-fi people, in other words. If you like, you could try out your new toys in the mission the patch introduces, the catchily-titled “Comms-Plex 154/2f,” in which you’ll have to “Get to the roof of the HL-19-24 Archivum and transmit a message to your allies in the Imperium”.


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