Dating & Love
What Attracts A Woman To A Man At First Sight?
what attracts a woman to a man at first sight in this video i’m going to give you a step by step i a step-by-step way of knowing what a woman look for in a man so what i’m going to do essentially is just to show you what’s the first thing a woman notices about you and then take you through the steps to understanding all of them and this way you can work on your style your hair everything you need to know to get better first impressions with women i’d go as far as to say that your first impressions are so important that it’s worth watching this whole video and increasing all of the different areas to get better results if you like this video give me a thumbs up make sure you subscribe to my channel so let’s just get this started so what are the things that attract women right away so the first thing that women notice about a man is your body shape so this is the v-shape ideally because if you think about it when you first look at a woman what do you look for in her you see her silhouette first of all so the first thing you could do to become more attractive to women is to work on getting that v-shape and then to wear fitted clothes a lot of guys that i’ve styled over the years if they’re slim they think you should wear baggy clothes to not show off the fact that they’re slim this is the worst piece of advice they’ve ever heard of in their life you should wear fitted clothes and your aim should be to get that v-shape if you can do that what will happen is women will be biologically attracted to you from their first impression so this really is a case of working hard to get your physique into the shape that is biologically attractive to women and that’s the v-shape and that’s the first thing a woman will notice about you and that she will be attracted to now the second thing a woman notices will be your hair so the first thing is your silhouette the second thing is your hair it’s one of the reasons why i like to have big hair it tends to get a lot of attention and women tend to notice it now if you don’t have big hair or thick hair what can you do well first of all if you do grow it and have big thick hair it’s called a fitness indicator and it’s ultra attractive to women if you can’t do that what i tend to do when i style my clients is to buy them hats because what a hat does it show style it gives you height and it also shows class confidence because most men don’t really wear hats so if hairs are concerned for you buy yourself a really nice hat and it’s going to make you stand out from the crowd and still give women the ultra important fitness indicator that you’re an attractive guy now the third thing that a woman will notice about a guy that she may or may not find attractive about you is your body language now if you’re hunched over like this you tend to sort of speak downwards like this you get a bit monotone right so your body language if you’re stood so if you work on your back muscles to get stronger your back muscles get pulled back when you’re speaking you speak with conviction right so your chest is open you can hear that i’m speaking with more conviction so your body language showcases confidence so if you’re like that you’re not showing confidence but if you like this you are for me this comes down to working out and if you work out your back muscles you automatically stand with a better posture and a better frame the fourth thing that would attract women right at the start is your eye contact so if you first get eye contact with a woman and then you’re scared and you look away that’s not attractive okay the rule is when you first get eye contact with a woman here you hold eye contact and she’ll till she breaks it first now if you want to amp it up don’t blink until she blinks first because it increases tension then when she blinks you can sort of look away but ideally you want to have eye contact right at the start don’t break it till she looks away that’s ultra attractive and it shows a hell of a lot of confidence as well so your eye contact is definitely something that’s ultra attractive to women now the next one what do you think it is what is the fifth one if you had to guess so we’ve got your body shape your hair your body language your eye contact it’s your smile so eye contact smile okay that’s hard to do especially feeling anxious around women you think the archetype of an attractive guy he sees eye contact with a woman and he smiles that’s as simple as that a smile is so important to being attractive to women with your first impression so i would say like this is something that i teach people to do on my dating confidence courses is to first get eye contact then to smile if you want to be fun you can also point so it’s like say for example i’m here get eye contact with a girl i can smile and i can point at her very confident very attractive and also starts a conversation so that’s awesome now the sixth thing is your clothing now as i alluded to earlier you want to make sure your clothing’s fitted or say for example you’re overweight right you say like worst case you’re massively overweight find a style that’s still cool so what you can do is like wear a hawaiian shirt if you’re a big guy with a blazer over the top see this way you’re not hiding away from your size you’re owning it hawaiian shirt blazer is a cool look for big guys if you’re slimmer than that and you’re in good shape fitted clothes that are stylized are the way forward i do loads of content on men’s style advice make sure you subscribe to my channel and you’ll see loads more coming so the next sort of three or four are essentially comes down to just your intelligence level so this is your social intelligence emotional intelligence all these things right so if you first get eye contact with a girl she likes you and you point at her you’re showcasing emotional intelligence and you’re also showcasing social intelligence right emotional to control that to contact with her and social intelligence to show that you know what you’re doing in social situations right so when you put all of these together what do you actually need to know like what’s the important takeaway from this video first of all work hard on your physique to give yourself the v-shape okay have big hair if you can’t get big hair wear a hat have good body language this comes from working out your back and standing good when you first see a girl make sure you get her eye contact and you smile and you point at her make sure she looks away first or points at you back if you have enjoyed this video then please give me a thumbs up any questions you’ve got put them in the comment section below and i’ll be live streaming tomorrow i have a big event in london on saturday night i’m going to live stream before around 6 p.m so make sure your notifications are turned on and you’re going to see some behind the scenes footage and i’ll catch you guys tomorrow
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