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Self Help

How To Have A Productive Mindset – Wisdom Wednesday


Productivity is not just about tactics and apps – it is about mindsets. The most productive people you know have a productive mindset, and you can have one too.

Think about the most productive people you know. The ones that always seem to get stuff done and deliver results. Is it because they have an awesome calendar app? Is it because they have killer Obsidian plugins installed? Is it because they say the right affirmations as part of their morning routine?

Probably not! At the end of the day, they are probably so productive because they approach things with a productive mindset, and then figure out how to get things done. It almost becomes unlikely that they WON’T do what they set out to do.

In this episode, we’ll take you through the 6 productive mindsets you need to adopt, and show you how to do it.

This episode is brought to you by the 25X Productivity System Live – our live 2-day workshop in Austin TX

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Asian Efficiency Team

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