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Three things in your home that could be harming your health – Growing Family


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In recent years, lifestyle and wellbeing trends have indicated that we are more health-conscious than ever before. This is hardly surprising, because we were living through the pandemic and working harder than ever to reduce the spread of illness. 

However, as we begin to move forward, many of us are keen to maintain these efforts. As most change begins at home, this means making an effort to keep your space clean and germ-free. After all, this reduces the chances of you dealing with unexpected illnesses and other complications.

With that in mind, here are three things in your home that could be harming your health without you even realising it.


Clutter is a common feature in many homes, and we often accumulate clutter without being aware of it. After all, it’s easy to leave something on the side, saying we’ll put it away later, only for it to sit in the same place for several days or weeks.

Clutter allows dust to build up throughout your home, and can also impact your mental health. For example, a recent study found that being around clutter triggers a “physiological response, including increased levels of cortisol, a stress hormone.” As such, it may be elevating your stress quite considerably – meaning now is the perfect time to ditch the clutter!

There are many ways to get on top of clutter. Two effective options are to encourage each member of your household to better organise their belongings, and to throw away or donate anything you no longer need or use.

things in your home that could be harming your health - pests


It goes without saying that nobody wants pests within their home. However, more than an annoyance, they present a significant health and safety risk for your whole family. Pests in the home could leave you more vulnerable to sickness, or contaminate surfaces.

If you have a pest issue in your home, be sure to reach out to a pest control company in your local area as soon as you notice any signs of pests such as droppings, hairs, or damage to your property. Good hygiene practices, including always covering food and brushing up crumbs, will also reduce the chances of encountering a pest problem in the first place.

cleaning spray bottle


It’s easy for dust to build up in your home. This is especially true of the places people often forget to clean during their typical cleaning routines, such as behind large pieces of furniture or wall hangings.

However, dust can have an extremely negative impact on your health. For example, “exposure to dust inside homes can have adverse health outcomes, such as respiratory problems, asthma and allergic reactions”.

Thankfully, there are many different steps you can follow to remove dust from your home. You can dust regularly, paying attention to the spaces where dust accumulates quickly. You should also encourage guests to take their shoes off on arrival, so they do not track dust and other pollutants into your home.  Finally, staying on top of the clutter will help to keep dust to a minimum too.

Have you got any tips for dealing with things in your home that could be harming your health?



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