Music Bundle builds your own synth and DJ mixer
Music bundle
Costing from $210, the box includes the components necessary for building a DJMixtable – the circuit board, a little screen, a speaker, potentiometers, rotary encoders, pushbuttons and control knobs for example.
Specifically, there is a DIY DJ Mixer, dubbed Jay-D, and Synthia for the synth coding. For the latter you can record your own samples with the help of a built-in MEMS microphone…
The idea is you follow an online step-by-step build guide to get up and running.
It’s estimated the build-time is four hours for your first electronic device. And soldering is required, note.
Speaking of which, there is also a free tools pack. It includes glasses, a small screw driver, some lead-free solder, a sponge, cutter pliers and a soldering stand and station…
To get up and running you then simply connect it to a computer and – using a high-level block-based visual programming language, a la Scratch – you create custom programs (you can mix in royalty-free music samples, too).
Check out the videos below, first on Jay-D and then Synthia:
See also: Robust analogue AI separates music, speech and noise
Alun Williams
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