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16 Worksheets for Identifying Your Core Values


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Our core values influence how we live our lives.

When we know our core values, making decisions becomes easier. We are also less likely to be swayed by other people’s opinions.

Everyone has their own set of personal core values. Whether you’re aware of them or not, your personal values shape your relationships, determine your choice of city to live in, and even come into play when you are looking for a place to eat.

Going against your core values leads to frustration, often resulting in destructive behavior. Thus, it is essential to know your core values so you can effectively handle various situations in your life and find peace within yourself.

Worksheets, quizzes, and other self-discovery tools for identifying core values can help determine what is most important to you.

Today, we’re sharing our collection of core values worksheets. Hopefully they can help you live life in accordance with what you truly believe.

1. 32 Find Your Passion and Skills Printable Worksheets

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Check out Find Your Passion and Skills Printable Worksheets on Etsy

This Find Your Passion Worksheets bundle is perfect for those ready to turn their dreams into actionable goals, with thoughtfully designed worksheets to help you gain clarity and direction in your life.

This all-in set includes a vision board, a passion discovery planner with reflection questions, worksheets for values clarification, goal setting, and skills assessment, along with a journal with daily writing prompts.

This bundle is your ultimate guide to finding and pursuing your true calling.

2. My Core Values

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Download the PDF

Ready to discover your personal core values? We created this template to help you pinpoint what values are the most important in order to you to guide you create a more meaning life.

The first step in using this template is to choose 30 core values from a list of 100 of the most common values. We’ve provided space for you to list these 30 core values.

Out of those 30, you then choose the 10 values that you feel are most aligned with who you are. Finally, from your list of 10 values, you choose the five that resonate most with you.

Congratulations, you’ve uncovered the core values that will serve to guide you in everything you do moving forward.

3. BestSelf’s Your Core Values Worksheet

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via BestSelf

Knowing our core values can help us live authentically and propel us to greater success and lasting happiness.

If you’re looking for a guide or a tool for determining your core values, this core values worksheet from BestSelf provides clarity, as well as points you to the direction of your destiny.

Compared with other worksheets currently available, this item stands out for its elegant design, conciseness, and ease of use.

The worksheet is designed for use together with BestSelf’s Core Values Deck. Once you’ve chosen 3 core values to work with, the worksheet provides a couple of questions to serve as a prompt in discovering the importance of those 3 core values and how you can apply them in your daily life.

You can purchase this worksheet for a minimal amount. It’s available as a digital download so you can immediately start charting the top 3 core values that will guide you in different aspects of your life.

4. Values Map

via The Daily PlanIt

Your core values are your guiding principles in life. They are the points on your life map that tell you how to navigate every experience.

This worksheet helps you develop a value statement by letting you identify different types of values that serve as your guiding principles.

It includes boxes you need to fill out with the following information:

  • Core values – Identify something of universal worth that you believe in
  • Personal qualities – Positive traits that you have
  • Personal values – Values that have significance specifically for you
  • Work values – Things that you deem important in relation to your work
  • Goal values – Things that define an awesome life

Identifying these values can make it easier to create your personal value or mission statement.

5. Understand Your Values

If you’re not aware of what your core values are, there’s a good chance that you’re working against them.

As we mentioned earlier, this “unknowing” negatively impacts your life.

This worksheet helps you determine if you’re working with or against your core values. It uses the terms “above the line” for working in sync with a core value and “below the line” for working against it.

First, you need to identify what your core values are. Then, using the worksheet above, you need to determine how you use these values in an “above the line” way.

This worksheet also prompts you to identify scenarios where you could be using the core value in a way that negatively impacts you or others.

Finally, it has a column for your answer or proposal on how you can use your core value in a more “above the line” way.

6. Digging Deeper

Worksheets like this one are often used by companies to help their employees determine their core values by exploring different sources of influence.

For example, you are asked to name a person you admire and to list down the core values you think they hold.

Moreover, the worksheet encourages you to specify actionable steps that show how your core values can help overcome challenges that you might encounter.

7. Align Your Truth With Your Actions

It takes a different level of bravery to live an authentic life—a life in keeping with the things you truly believe in. This worksheet provides space for you to explore and determine what those values are.

The leftmost column has space for writing down the personal values that are important to you. There are enough blank boxes to list up to nine core values.

Meanwhile, the middle column is assigned to “actions aligned with values.” It prompts you to create specific action plans on how to live according to your core values.

Lastly, the rightmost column has space reserved for writing down practical situations where your chosen values can be demonstrated or applied.

8. Identify Your Core Values

This worksheet helps you identify the values that are of utmost importance to you through several writing prompts.

Meditate on the following in order to come up with the values that will make up your personal core values:

  • Top three accomplishments.
  • Three most meaningful experiences.
  • What is important in your life?

The worksheet comes with a beautiful quote from J. Loren Norris about the purpose of core values:

Core values serve as a lighthouse when the fog of life seems to leave you wandering in circles; when you encounter that moment when every decision is a tough one and no choice seems to clearly be the better choice.

9. Live Your Values Worksheet

Knowing your core values make it easier to set personal boundaries. It gives you the freedom to be a person who lives according to his or her own truth.

The worksheet above helps you identify the values that bring you closer to who you truly are. It provides a space to brainstorm ways in which to live out the values you’ve chosen.

10. Ask Why

Defining your life’s purpose brings clarity, motivates you, keeps you focused, and helps you live longer. Uncovering this purpose begins with asking the question, “Why?”

This worksheet helps you uncover your core values by prompting you to ask why they are important to you. You’re supposed to answer multiple times until you reach a point where your answer cannot be distilled down any further.

Then you’ve found your why.

11. Values Clarification

Some people find it a bit of a challenge to determine their true personal core values. This worksheet may be able to help you discover what is truly important to you.

Here, you’ll find a list of the most common values that are important to people.

In order to determine the ones that are most important to you, you’re encouraged to choose 10 values from the list, ranking them from 1–10 (with 1 being the most important).

Blank spaces are provided for writing values that may not be on the list.

When you’re living in line with your core values, you’ll notice that events in your life run more smoothly. Decisions are made in greater confidence. Finally, there is a sense of anticipation about the results of decisions made in alignment with what you truly believe in.

12. Discover Your Values Workbook

Knowing your core values brings you closer to being your most authentic self. Moreover, discovering who you truly are is the wellspring for having a richer, more meaningful life.

Naomi, the creator of this workbook, provides a step-by-step guide to the process of discovering your main core values. The 11-page workbook has sections to help you:

  • Give your core values priority
  • Determine your top five values
  • Live out your newfound sense of self, guided by your personal values

There are several writing exercises throughout the workbook. All are designed for you to uncover your authentic self and identify the values you hold dear.

Ultimately, the workbook gives you the opportunity to live life to the fullest.

13. Get Clear on Your Highest Values

Learning about and clarifying your personal core values can be less challenging when you have a guide for how to go about the process. This worksheet, created by life coach Elisabeth Kingsley, helps users identify what’s important to them.

The four-page worksheet contains activities and reflection questions to help you clarify your priorities.

All the activities and writing exercises found here not only help identify your personal values, they also reveal the most authentic you, equipping you with new ways of expressing yourself.

14. Determining Your Core Values in Life

This worksheet features eight pages of writing exercises that promote reflection, discovery, and application of your personal values.

The first page contains a list of different values, and you choose 10 values that resonate most with you. After tha, from the 10 that you chose, you select the best five values. These represent your core values.

The following pages provide writing prompts to help uncover what each value means to you, as well as create an action plan for how to apply these values in your everyday life.

15. Values Defining Worksheet from Coach Meg

We’ve mentioned that not knowing your core values can lead to decisions that negatively impact your life. However, once you’ve discovered the values that represent your most authentic self and begin living in alignment with them, life flows more smoothly.

Here is a worksheet to help you define the values that truly represent who you are and your purpose in this world.

The worksheet provides a quick guide to knowing your personal values and helps identify conflicts and challenges you encounter once you start living in accordance with your core values.

16. Get Clear and Focused: Know Your Personal Core Values

Living in accordance with your core values brings happiness, satisfaction, and meaning into your life. However, there is another benefit that is often overlooked when people live by their core values.

This benefit is positive abundance.

The worksheet above is designed to help you identify your core values, specify the reasons why each value is important to you, and create an action plan to live by these values each day.

Resources are provided in this worksheet that show you how to work with your core values to achieve financial abundance.

Final Thoughts on Identifying Your Core Values

Identifying and writing down your core values by filling out a worksheet is just one way of developing self-awareness.

When you’re aware of what is truly important to you, you begin to align your life with these values. They will serve as your anchor, even in the most turbulent moments of life.

If you need a primer on what these core values are, you might want to check out this post featuring 100 examples of values to live by. If you’re doing this with your family, here’s a guide on how to find out your family core values.

Also, quizzes can be quite helpful when it comes to discovering your core values. Check out this article for a review of core value quizzes to help identify what’s important to you.

Then here are some great Find Your Why worksheets that you can also use to further narrow down your core values. Once you determine your core values, you can create your own life motto, a positive life message to guide you.

Finally, if you want to take your goal-setting efforts to the next level, check out this FREE printable worksheet and a step-by-step process that will help you set effective SMART goals.

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Michal Feyoh

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