Dating & Love
10 Practices That Will Strengthen Your Friendships
Life is short. We are busy. Don’t undervalue the time you get to spend with your friends. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted during that time. Instead, treasure your time with your friends. Savor each moment. Jesus modeled a life of being fully present to others. When He was with the woman at the well, He savored those moments and focused completely on her. (John 4). While with Nicodemus, His attention was focused on the questions Nicodemus brought. (John 3). Every conversation Jesus had was intentional. We are a distracted people and as a result, we often miss the wonder of beautiful conversations. Next time you are with a friend, silently pray, “Lord Jesus, help me be fully present in this conversation. I pray that I might honor my friend by savoring our moments together.”
10. Pray for Their Burdens
The dearest friends in my life are those with whom I can get on my knees and pray. One of the best ways you can take initiative is to reach out and let friends know what you are praying for them. They are on your heart and you are bringing their concerns before the Father. Paul wrote to the believers in Galatia, that they were to “Carry each other’s burdens” and in this way they would “fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). We were never meant to carry our burdens alone. One of the greatest gifts you can give your friends is to carry their burdens to the throne room in prayer.
Friends are one of God’s greatest gifts. They enrich our lives in a multitude of ways. However, in order to enjoy well connected friendships though, you must first decide to be the friend you want. By working on your own skills of friendship, you will be a more attractive friend to others. Learn to prioritize and intentionally invest in friends by, encouraging their dreams, listening to their stories, loving their families, cheering for their accomplishments, staying loyal, respecting their limits, forgiving their weaknesses, apologizing when you’re wrong, savoring your time together and praying for their burdens. If you prioritize these practices your friendships will go deeper. As a result, you will feel far less lonely.
Lord Jesus, thank You for the gift of friendships. I commit to you each friend in my life. Use me I pray to help heal the loneliness in others. May I be a good friend and may each one experience the love of Christ through me. Open my eyes to see those who are lonely so that I might be an instrument of friendship in their lives. May I be a friend like You, Lord Jesus, that remains loyal even through difficult seasons. Fill me now with Your Spirit, Holy One, so that others would be drawn to the joy they see in my life. I commit every relationship to You. Help me to live the deeply connected life You have called me to live. May I be a conduit of your love today.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Rido Franz
Becky Harling
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