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Operation Melt: Coach Kara’s Secrets For Goal-crushing And A Joyful Life (Interview)


Are you choosing to live a happy, fulfilled life?

That’s right, studies have proven that ninety percent of the factors that make the difference between a happy life and an unhappy life are factors within your control. One life hack proven to help unlock your best life is setting, pursuing, and achieving goals.

Yes, you can choose a happy life, but don’t take my word for it! Here’s an example of how other people – people just like you – are choosing to achieve happiness through their goals.

Are you ready for a dad joke?

I offer you this "dad joke" as a light "amuse-bouche" to entertain your mind before we get serious. My dad joke may be groan-worthy, but it's worth every penny you paid for it, right?

A pirate walks into a bar wearing a paper towel hat. The bartender asks,
"What's with the paper towel hat?" The pirate says, "Arr, there be a Bounty on me head."

Coach Kara’s Secrets For Goal-crushing And A Joyful Life (Interview)

Welcome to this week’s Interview with a Goal-Crusher. In these interviews, I sit down with someone accomplishing big things by setting and achieving their goals to learn their secrets. Then I share those secrets with you. It’s like free mentoring from someone already on the road to success. Who doesn’t want that?!

Many of my long-time readers will know that I (sometimes) run with the German Village Run Club. Give my December 2023 interview, One Brick at a Time: A Practical Story of Goal Success, a read to learn how this run club started and continues to grow.

There are many things I like about running with the club. First, it forces me to be consistent with my run days/times, and consistency is a significant component of goal success. Second, running with a group forces me to keep a constant pace, pushing me a little bit and making me faster. Most importantly, I love meeting and getting to know other runners in my neighborhood. There are many remarkable, inspirational and impressive runners in the club.

One runner who particularly inspires me is Kara. She is a consistent presence at club runs, and she often brings her cute puppy, Jah Jah. As I got to know Kara better (and followed her on social media), she became more impressive. Kara works hard, is uber-committed and consistent, and her workouts are fierce.

Over time, I learned that Kara has committed herself to a mission of service to others (one of the secrets to a happy life). Kara is dedicated to helping people get and live fit, particularly through something she enjoys: kettlebell workouts. Moreover, Kara isn’t afraid (or appears unafraid) to try new things; she puts herself out there and chooses to show up every day.

How could I not share Kara’s story in an Interview with a Goal-Crusher?

Please introduce yourself and tell my readers about you and what you do.

Hello! My name is Kara Shaffer, and I am a lover of movement, adventure, wellness, and other things that bring me true happiness.

I am a certified personal trainer; however, I often feel silly calling myself that. I am a coach. I have experience head coaching a competitive gymnastics where my gymnasts called me “Coach Kara.”

I am and always will be Coach Kara!

I teach hardstyle kettlebell training and Pilates reformer in Columbus. OH.

What motivated you to commit yourself to helping people get and live fit through kettlebells? What was your vision? Can you share some/all of your story?

My motivation has always been finding and living my life’s purpose. I feel as if I have a gift for teaching.

Growing up a competitive gymnast, I have been fascinated by moving in a controlled way. I fell in love with kettlebell training because it’s functional and requires a ton of technique to execute correctly. I take pride in doing and teaching true kettlebell training.

My vision has been to learn from the best and teach their philosophies to my clients. I am forever a student. I am very passionate about strength training – the correct way – and the longevity that comes with it!

Kara Shaffer

What was the first step you took to get started with your goal?

My first huge goal was to build a community where anyone and everyone felt welcome to join my training.

As silly as it seems, since I have experience coaching children, I apply many of the same principles with adults! You can expect a well-laid-out training session that is organized in a way that allows clients to ask questions, try new things, make mistakes (safely), and try again.

I started by training clients 1-on-1, 2-on-1, 4-on-1, and then in small groups. I immerse myself in training sessions to be fully attentive to my clients and what we’re doing.

Another big goal was completing my StrongFirst Level 1 and Level 2 kettlebell certifications. My first step with this was to A) financially commit (lol) and B) map out a plan to get physically in shape to test out. I researched the skills I needed to perfect and hired a coach to fine-tune my movements.

Kara Shaffer

I made my training non-negotiable and stuck to my training plan week in and week out.

What were your biggest challenges in achieving your goals? How did you overcome them?

My biggest challenges have been self-doubt and fear of being unable to fulfill what I’ve set out to do. I’ve told myself no one will sign up for my classes, I won’t pass my certifications, and I can’t make a living from this.

It’s sad, and I know I’m not alone! I had to overcome this and continue working to overcome this.

I have to trust that this is my purpose.

I focus on what I can give instead of what I can take and earn.

I trust that if I believe in what I teach and learn, all good things will come from it.

Kara Shaffer

What goal success tips and techniques have worked well for you that you would like to share with my readers?

I think it’s essential to understand your “why”. Once you discover why you want to do something, you can start to reverse engineer it.

We all have so much more control over what we do. If you want to start a workout routine, why? Once you unlock that relationship, you can create a lifelong habit of putting your health and wellness first!

Kara Shaffer

For a more tangible tip, I map out my day twenty-four hours in advance. Whether it’s written down or mapped out in my head, I’m constantly planning. I always have meals prepped, hydration ready, and my calendar combed through to make sure I’m on top of everything!

What is one big goal you are pursuing now?

I have a big goal of making my life more simple.

The beauty of kettlebell training is that it’s simple. There are basic exercises in the categories of grinds or ballistics. You do the basics over and over. I want to create that simplicity in my life.

I want to find joy in the basics – friends, family, being outdoors, being alone.

I want to reduce the need for external things. In the wellness industry, there is always something to “add” – a supplement, new training gear, recovery technique, etc.

I want to simplify my routine by laughing a lot, eating locally, and sleeping well!

What else would you like my Operation Melt readers to know about you, your business, or about goal success in general?

The best exercise routine for you is the one that you’ll stick to! There is so much accomplishment in consistency. The real secret sauce is finding an activity you enjoy with a group you can do it with.

I LOVE training with other people. As we get older, finding friends outside of work is hard. It took me over 5 years to find true friends when I moved to Columbus. Working out with a group of friends lets you socialize and become stronger. 

Last thing, strength training is truly essential for everyone. It doesn’t have to be a lot. It’s simple. My at-home workouts are forty-five minutes long with minimal equipment. Whether you’re a runner, cyclist, Pilates lover, or anything else, add resistance training to your weekly routine. Squat, hinge, overhead press, horizontal press, and pull!

Make it heavy and see for yourself how good you’ll feel.

How can people learn more about you?

People can visit my website! and follow me on Instagram @karashaffermoves

I love Coach Kara’s story! She is an example of a person who takes risks, follows things that interest her and works hard to build a life she loves. And, this isn’t by accident; it is only by being intentional with her goals that she has accomplished this. Step-by-step and goal-by-goal, Kara has built a community and helped tons of people learn to love exercise almost as much as she does.

Coach Kara’s story of goal success touched on several of my Project Manage Your Life strategies. Here are some highlights:

  • Set SMART Goals: Kara broke her mission into a series of goals. As she said, each goal started with a strong why (the R in SMART means relevant).
  • Build a plan that works for you: Kara’s path was unique to her, and she took steps that helped her achieve her goal and worked with who she is.
  • Don’t go it alone: Coach Kara is undoubtedly not going it alone. Woven throughout Kara’s story is a theme of community. Engaging others in her journey and celebrating life with them is a non-negotiable for her.
  • Enjoy the journey: Kara loves what she is doing and has built her community around something she enjoys: exercise and kettlebells. She is also committed to finding joy in all aspects of life and is always smiling. I challenge you to find somebody more committed to enjoying the journey to their goals.

I feel honored to have the opportunity to share Kara’s story. More importantly, I feel privileged and blessed that my path has crossed with Kara’s. Every one of her social media posts and our real-life interactions leave me feeling happy and inspired. Her commitment to helping others helps me enjoy my own journey a bit more.

Do you have a big goal inside you that you’re looking to let out? Do you need that extra dose of encouragement and a process to help you reach your goal? That’s what coaching is all about. I would be honored to help you use your goals to build the life of your dreams.

I believe in you; let me help YOU believe in you!

Meet Coach Tony

My name is Coach Tony, and I am a coach, author and project manager on a mission. I am working to build a world where no goal ever dies of loneliness.

I almost allowed one of my biggest life goals to die without ever being attempted for forty years. My goal almost died, not of failure but of loneliness. But, I took a risk and leveraged a simple, logical process that helped me wildly exceed my goal. 

I transformed my life, and you can do the same with the help of Operation Melt. 

Operation Melt provides engaging, practical content and hands-on coaching to inspire, motivate and equip project managers and other left-brained high-achievers to pursue and accomplish their biggest goals. 

Breathe new life into your goals

Download my free ebook to learn how to create goals that actually work and get the jump-start you need in life!


Tony Weaver

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