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Orlando’s Lake Eola Park welcomes six new swan residents


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Photo via Lake Eola Park/Facebook

The waters of Orlando’s Lake Eola Park are ruffling some new feathers this week.

Orlando announced Monday Lake Eola Park has welcomed new six new swans: Two Australian black, two whooper and two trumpeter swans are the city’s newest winged residents.

The two Australian black swans are said to be replacing two of the same species that were allegedly killed by a river otter and bird flu. The city confirmed in February that several birds had died from bird flu.

According to reporting by Bungalower, the funds used to pay for the new winged celebs were taken from City Commissioner Patty Sheehan’s discretionary budget, with $7,500 spent on the whoopers, $7,500 on the trumpeters and $4,500 on the Australian black swans.

Sheehan is seen in a video posted to Lake Eola’s social media carrying one of the animal carriers to the edge of the lake.

Lake Eola Park is currently home to five different breed of swan, including trumpeter, black neck, whooper, royal mute and Australian black.

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Chloe Greenberg

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