Self Help
12 Universal Laws & How to Use Them
Chances are, you know about the law of relativity, thanks to Albert Einstein. Then, there’s the law of cause and effect, thanks to Isaac Newton. Then, there’s the law of attraction, thanks to Rhonda Byrne and her best-selling book, The Secret.
But what are the other universal laws out there? And the more important question is, how are they relevant to your life?
The thing is, the universe is conspiring in your favor—to attract abundance, love, and happiness into your life. The secret is, you need to know how to harness its power.
Where did the universal laws come from?
From the Egyptians to the Greeks (and possibly even before that), these ancient civilizations had an intuitive understanding of the universe’s underlying order. It can be seen in the myths they believed, the religions they followed, and the philosophies they developed.
“The 12 universal laws are thought to be intrinsic, unchanging laws of our universe that ancient cultures have always intuitively known,” explains M.B. Dastagiri, the principal scientist at ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, in a 2024 article published in the European Scientific Journal.
For instance, the ancient Egyptians revered Ma’at, the goddess of truth, balance, and cosmic order. Additionally, the Greeks, through the teachings of philosophers like Plato and Pythagoras, explored the principles of harmony and balance. Both resonate with the interconnected universe that’s governed by immutable laws.
Fast forward to the Renaissance, and you’ll find thinkers like Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei, both of whom laid the groundwork for modern science. And in more recent times, Albert Einstein and quantum physicists have added to our understanding of the principles outlined in ancient texts.
Regardless of when in history or who studied it, there’s one thing for sure: the core concepts of these laws are as relevant today as they were back then. As M.B. Dastagiri points out, “universal laws are designed in such a way that everything is in harmony with each other: physical, mental, and spiritual realms.”
What are the 12 universal laws?
While there are 12 of these laws, they work in synergy to guide you toward a more fulfilling existence.
“The universal law will answer any question you ask,” explains Michael Bernard Beckwith, the founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center and trainer of Mindvalley’s Life Visioning Mastery Quest. Ask the right questions, you’ll receive the universe’s spiritual guidance. Frame them differently, and it’ll respond in kind (although perhaps not as expected).
“If you ask what’s wrong, it’ll tell you all the things that are wrong. If you ask what’s trying to be born, it will begin to show you the potential that’s within you, that’s seeking to emerge.”
Now let’s take a closer look at these universal laws of life.

Law of divine oneness
“Everyone and everything is connected.”
When we think of our thoughts, actions, and emotions, we often believe them to be autonomous. But according to this law, our thoughts, actions, and emotions are all connected.
For example, if you’re a parent and you’re having one helluva day, you might snap at your child or become short-tempered with your partner. This negative energy can spread and affect the mood of those around you.
So when you’re able to recognize this interconnectedness, you can foster empathy and compassion. You’ll be more conscious of how you and your vibes contribute to the collective good.
How to apply it:
- Stay mindful of your thoughts and actions.
- Make it a habit to show kindness and empathy every day.
- Take time to meditate on how everything is connected.
- Be grateful for the people and experiences in your life.
- Get involved in helping your community through acts of service.
Law of vibration
“Everything moves in a circular manner.”
Everything vibrates. The smallest atom, the largest galaxy… even the chair you’re sitting on, the plants in your garden, and your thoughts and emotions.
And these vibrations are unique, each with its own frequency. The higher the vibrations, the more positive your experience; the lower, the less positive it is.
But here’s where it gets interesting: They don’t exist in isolation. According to the law of resonance, vibrations with similar frequencies naturally attract and amplify each other.
Michael explains that when you go around with the feeling, thinking, and acting of having, “the universal law matches that vibration.” You attract experiences, people, and opportunities that are at the same frequency, amplifying the vibrational energy. (The same goes with lack.)
For instance, let’s say you consistently think positive thoughts and genuinely feel grateful. You may start to notice new opportunities, supportive relationships, or moments of joy that you never paid attention to before.
This resonance, then, creates a stronger attraction with things on the same wavelength. That can lead to synchronicities and the manifestation of experiences that are consistent with that state.
How to apply it:
- Use positive affirmations to boost your mood.
- Spend time with people and in places that uplift you.
- Do things that make you happy and excited.
- Practice gratitude to keep your energy high.
- Try meditating or deep breathing to stay calm and balanced.
Law of action
“Each action would provide a different result.”
Many of us can talk the talk and dream the dream. Like starting your own business, writing that book, or asking a crush on a date.
However, when it comes to actually following through, we falter. Call it a lack of willpower, fear of failing, procrastination, or whatever else.
The thing is, raising your vibrations is one thing. But when it comes to this universal law, it encourages you to tune into your gut, listen to where it’s guiding you, and actually do something about it.
If you dream of having your own business, you create a business plan or reach out to potential mentors for advice. If you want to write that book, you start writing. And if Cupid’s got you in a chokehold, ask your crush out.
Of course, dreaming and talking about your desires are great. But action? That’s where the magic happens.
How to apply it:
- Set goals that are clear and achievable.
- Break them down into smaller, more manageable steps.
- Take daily action to move closer to your goals.
- Focus on tasks that match your priorities.
- Start with the easiest task to avoid procrastination.
Law of correspondence
“Every action will be reflected in our outer world to our inner world.”
According to Regan Hillyer, a mindset coach and trainer for Mindvalley’s The Art of Manifesting Quest, one huge mistake people make with manifestation is that they’re doing things, hoping to see results.
“People are missing this very important piece, which changes everything,” says the self-proclaimed “Queen of Manifestation.” “And that is, firstly, rewiring their belief system.”
Look at it this way: if you’re stressed and overwhelmed about your bills piling up or essentially living paycheck to paycheck, you can try all you might to rectify the problem. You get a second job, or you cut back on your lifestyle. Yet, if you don’t focus on shifting your mindset, you’ll always see your situation as “not having enough.”
As Regan adds, “It’s as simple as choosing, ‘You know what? I’m going to work on my belief system and allow that to positively affect the action that I take and allow that to positively affect my results, which means I get some good results, which means my belief automatically goes stronger’.”
How to apply it:
- Take time to reflect on your inner thoughts.
- Align your beliefs with what you want to achieve.
- Use positive self-talk and affirmations.
- Spend time meditating or journaling to connect with your inner self.
- Pay attention to your thoughts and actions to spot any patterns in your life.
Law of cause and effect
“Nothing ever happens by chance.”
When you put good energy into the world, it comes back to you in the form of positive experiences and results. It’s the whole idea of what comes around, goes around.
While it sounds similar to the other universal laws of nature, this one focuses on your actions and consequences (as opposed to energy and frequencies). It’s rooted in the idea that what you think, say, and do can directly set off a chain of events that will inevitably come back to you in some form.
A 2015 study suggests that the way we behave can influence how we see the world. For example, if you act angrily, it’s likely you’ll see others as angry, too. This is what the law of cause and effect is all about.
How to apply it:
- Make intentional and mindful choices.
- Take responsibility and accountability for your actions.
- Set clear goals and take steady steps to reach them.
- Be kind and generous.
- Think about the results of your decisions and learn from them.
Law of compensation
“Blessing comes in various forms, such as gifts, money, and friendship.”
If you’ve seen The Pursuit of Happyness, you’re familiar with Chris Gardner’s perseverance and positive attitude despite being homeless and going through extreme hardships. This eventually leads him to a rewarding career and financial stability.
This is a prime example of the law of compensation in action. It’s the idea that whatever you put out into the world—whether it’s through your work, kindness, generosity, etc.—will eventually come back to you.
It could be through financial gain, career advancement, or positive experiences. Whatever it may be, these rewards can appear as signs from the universe that help you move closer to what you’ve been working toward.
Now, this may sound similar to the law of cause and effect. However, while that law focuses on positive and negative consequences, this one emphasizes the reward aspect.
How to apply it:
- With everything you do, give it your 110%.
- Count your blessings for all that you have.
- Help others without expectations of getting anything in return.
- Invest your time and energy in personal growth.
- Trust that your hard work will be rewarded in due time.
Law of attraction
“Like attracts like.”
Of all the universal laws, the law of attraction may just well be one of the most well-known in today’s world. The concept of it is this: whatever you focus on, positive or negative, you’ll attract it into your life.
For instance, when you focus on the positive and what you desire, you draw those things into your life. And vice versa with the negative.
This law, according to Michael, is when we’re more conscious of our beliefs as well as our limiting ones. “We begin to articulate, affirm, declare, and decree the kind of life we want to live.”
That’s why many people, in hopes of attracting their desires, use vision boards, set clear intentions, and use affirmations to align their thoughts and emotions with a life that reflects their true aspirations.
How to apply it:
- Keep your thoughts and feelings positive.
- Imagine your goals as if they’ve already come true.
- Surround yourself with uplifting people and things.
- Use affirmations to strengthen your desires.
- Take steps that match what you want to bring into your life.
Law of perpetual transmutation
“We possess the power to change the conditions of our lives.”
“Perpetual transmutation” means to constantly change or constantly change into another form. In the case of this law, it’s energy.
In metaphysics, this means that higher, positive energy can change lower, negative energy (and vice versa). In other words, you have the power to change your mood and the energy around you.
For instance, if you wake up with the Monday blues, you can crank up your go-to jam or sit in the garden with a cup of coffee—whatever it is that makes you happy. This conscious effort can help shift your energy from blah to ta-da!
How to apply it:
- Do things that lift your mood—dancing, listening to music, or exercising.
- Spend time with positive people and in uplifting places.
- Make it a habit to focus on what you’re grateful for each day.
- Meditate to clear out bad energy and welcome in the good.
- Take small actions to turn a negative situation into something positive.
Law of relativity
“This law also teaches us to compare our problems with other people’s problems.”
You might’ve learned about relativity in science class—it was famously explored by Albert Einstein. His work focused on the relationship between space and time and how “everything is relative.”
This idea has influenced many areas of thought, including philosophy, psychology, and spirituality. It takes Einstein’s idea and applies it in the sense of how you see and interpret your life experiences.
For example, you’re on your way to your wedding and suddenly get stuck in traffic. Naturally, you might freak out. But according to the law of relativity, this situation is only as stressful as you perceive it to be.
Deep breaths and a gentle self-reminder that the wedding won’t start without you can make all the difference. This shift in perspective can turn your panic into peace, showing that it’s all relative.
How to apply it:
- Think about people who’ve faced bigger challenges and came out stronger.
- Focus on what’s going right in your life to practice gratitude.
- When things go wrong, try to find the silver lining.
- Instead of comparing yourself to others, stay focused on your own path.
- Use tough times as chances to learn and grow.
Law of polarity
“Everything has an opposite.”
There’s light and dark, peace and chaos, love and fear, high and low… Everything in life has an opposite. And that’s what this universal law is all about.
Take, for instance, getting some disappointing news, like not getting the promotion you’ve been working so hard for. It can feel upsetting and discouraging, for sure. However, the law of polarity states that there’s an opposite side you can choose to focus on, such as reassessing your goals, strengthening your skills, exploring passion projects, and so on.
The point is, it’s important to embrace both the positives and the negatives. You may even realize that setbacks such as this help you be more resilient and determined, which ultimately benefits you in the long run.
How to apply it:
- Remember that even tough situations have a bright side.
- Embrace your strengths and weaknesses as they help you grow.
- See challenges as chances to bring balance into your life.
- Try to understand both sides of a situation or argument.
- Focus on flipping negative thoughts into positive ones.
Law of rhythm
“All energy vibrates at a certain speed and rhythm.”
Life has a rhythm. No, not one you can dance to; rather, cycles that rise and fall. You can see this everywhere—the changing of seasons, the circadian rhythm, the menstrual cycle, day turning into night and back into day, and so on.
In addition, your life experiences, too, are cyclical—you’ll go through both the highs and lows. By recognizing this rhythm, you can align yourself with it, kind of like being on a floatie in the sea and riding the flow.
In fact, this is related to psychological flexibility, which is when you’re able to adapt well to the curveballs life may throw at you. A 2020 study found that being able to “go with the flow” can help with resilience and your mental health, especially during difficult times.
How to apply it:
- Understand that life has its highs and lows, so try to go with the flow.
- Tough eventually pass, so be patient and cut yourself some slack.
- Enjoy the good moments and stay steady when things get tough.
- Match your actions with your natural energy and mood cycles.
- Create daily routines that help you stay balanced and centered.
Law of gender
“Everything has its masculine and feminine principles.”
Everything in the universe has both masculine and feminine energies. While they’re not limited to biological gender, they do represent the different qualities and forces that exist within each of us. Here’s how:
- Masculine energy: assertiveness, action, and logic
- Feminine energy: intuition, nurturing, and compassion
Now, this law encourages a balance of the two for a fulfilling and harmonious life.
Say you’ve got a friend who’s in the dumps. You make the decision (a masculine quality) to take them out to cheer them up. At the same time, you’re there for emotional support (a feminine quality)—you listen and show empathy.
Being able to maintain an equilibrium between the two energies, it’s likely you’ll find yourself with a sense of wholeness and inner peace.
How to apply it:
- Mix action and intuition when making decisions.
- Be both assertive and compassionate in how you interact with others.
- Use a blend of creativity and logic to solve problems.
- Take care of yourself by honoring both your nurturing and strong sides.
- Recognize and embrace the masculine and feminine traits within you.

Frequently asked questions
Who wrote the 12 universal laws?
The universal laws have no single author. Rather, they’re rooted in ancient wisdom and esoteric teachings.
For instance, one of the earliest sources is the Hermetic teachings, which outline seven principles that govern the universe. (Hermes Trismegistus is a mythical figure who’s believed to combine the wisdom of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth.)
Over time, spiritual leaders, philosophers, and teachers have taken these ancient concepts and made them relevant and accessible to people.
What is the law of karma?
This concept is one of the spiritual laws that’s deeply rooted in Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain traditions. It teaches that every action you take sets off a chain reaction that eventually comes back to you.
Simply put, if you do something good, like helping someone, you’re likely to experience positive outcomes. On the other hand, if you do something bad, like being dishonest, it can lead to negative consequences. Hence, good karma and bad karma.
If that sounds like the law of cause and effect, you’re right—they’re closely related. While cause and effect is more of a general principle where actions lead to reactions, the law of karma involves a more moral and ethical dimension. You’re rewarded or punished over time based on your actions, good or bad.
Can I use the universal laws to manifest my desires?
Yes, you can. The 12 universal laws provide a foundation for manifestation—you align your thoughts, emotions, and actions with the energy of what you want to achieve.
“We’re all born manifestors,” says Regan. “Everything you do and don’t have in your life right now, you’ve manifested or you haven’t manifested.”
For example, you can use the law of attraction to focus on positive outcomes and the law of vibration to maintain a high vibration. This will help you draw those experiences into your life.
Then use the law of action to take meaningful steps toward your goals. Regan and her husband, for instance, manifested their dream land in Costa Rica by trusting their intuition and taking inspired action, even when it seemed impossible.
You can also integrate and align with the other laws by practicing techniques like visualization and affirmations. But there’s one thing you should keep in mind: it’s not about when it will happen, but trusting that it will happen.
So stay consistent, keep your energy high, and be open to the magic of the universe.
Expand your consciousness
“The universe corresponds to the nature of your song.”
Those are some powerful words from Michael Bernard Beckwith. But the thing is, he’s got a point.
If you want what you desire, it’s important to know how to use the universal laws to your advantage. And if you need a little help doing so, he can guide you on how in his Mindvalley masterclass, True Manifesting From the Soul.
Curious why your manifesting efforts haven’t worked out? He’ll help you figure it out.
Want to break free from the limits society has placed on you? He’ll show you how.
Ready to tap into your soul’s true purpose and live a more fulfilling life? He’ll walk you through it.
Just like he did for Freddy, a professional boxer from London, U.K.:

“I’m [sic] used to be disciplined and confident in my ability, but to learn about the willingness and setting intention, forgiveness, compassion, and focusing on things that I have never thought of before.
I would really recommend this course to anyone who’s open to a change. I started in many aspects in victim consciousness, but can honestly say I can manifest my future.”
Now, it’s your turn. Whether you’re looking to overcome personal challenges, align with your soul’s purpose, or transform your life in ways you never thought possible, this free masterclass will give you the tools to make it happen.
Welcome in.
Tatiana Azman
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