Family & Parenting
Hug an Alpaca at This Farm Just an Hour from Greenville
If you’re looking for a new experience for your family, your school, your scout troop, or just want to hug an alpaca, Lucky Acres Farm in Townville is just the place. We sent Kristina down there to play with the fluffy animals and here’s what happened.
It took me no more than one day to arrange a visit to Lucky Acres Farm after hearing about them and seeing a photo of the fluffiest alpacas ever. Their curious faces staring back at the camera, ears perked, all fluffy and cute and cuddly. I had to go. I picked up my daughter after school and headed straight down 85 for a little after-school adventure – and I really didn’t want to leave once we arrived!
Alpacas are Really Cool
Alpacas are actually relatives of camels, Gloria told me as we started our farm tour. Gloria is probably one of the sweetest individuals I’ve ever met. She is laid back, happy, all smiles, and stands not much taller than my eight-year-old, which leads me to believe she was made to care for alpacas since she can look them right in the eye at that height.
Camel relatives? Mind blown. Alpacas are also curious, can be quite moody and playful with each other, but are not aggressive. They don’t like wind or getting wet, chew like a cow, and only have bottom teeth.
Originally from South America, alpacas weren’t imported into the United States until the mid-1980s. They produce super soft fiber, which is as soft as cashmere yet warmer and lighter than wool. The alpacas are sheared every April and their fluffy fleeces are made into hats, scarves, sweaters, blankets, and other creations by Gloria herself on the farm. She is very talented and has a small gift shop where people can purchase her soft creations.
One thing I loved about this aspect of Lucky Acres Farm is that when the fleece is shorn from the alpaca, it’s put in a bag with the name of the animal on it. After it’s spun, it’s sent back in the same bag and Gloria works her magic, creating mittens or a hat from the fiber of that specific alpaca. She has customers who ask for creations from specific alpacas and Gloria happily obliges. I think this is a unique and beautiful way to tie the farm and their animals into the community and customers.
Alpacas live around 15-20 years and are smaller than llamas, weighing only about 150 pounds as adults. The poor mama alpacas have to carry their babies for an astounding 11 and a half months before they give birth. That is a crazy long time.
More Animals at Lucky Acres Farms
Lucky Acres Farms has been in business since 1996 when Gloria and her husband moved down from upstate New York after he retired. Gloria just loves animals and was smitten with alpacas, so she ended up learning all she could about them before getting several of her own.
But the farm also has goats, a couple of horses, a little white bunny, and lots of chickens on the farm for the kids to see and touch. The goats are miniature silky fainting goats. I’ve seen videos of fainting goats and, well, it did take some willpower to not try to make them faint. I wanted to be invited back to the farm, after all.
My kids fed the chickens and searched for eggs in the hen house. They really came away with new experiences and knowledge that none of us had before.
Lucky Acres isn’t far from Greenville at all. Even with traffic we made it in an hour, as the farm is just a few miles off 85. It’s easily a day trip or less. There are picnic tables in the shade and a small playground to have lunch and relax before heading home.
Tours & Field Trips at Lucky Acres Farm
Lucky Acres Farms is open to the public and Gloria invites anyone to come over and see the animals. School groups, homeschoolers, and anyone else is welcome. While she doesn’t charge anyone to come to the farm, donations are appreciated to help with the upkeep and running of the place.
The farm is open 10 am – 4 pm most days but just give Gloria a call before you come to make sure she’s there. She is more than happy to give tours and just wants her guests to have a good experience when they visit.
Since it is a farm, it’s wise to wear sneakers or boots, not any kind of sandal or flip-flops. Parents should keep an eye on their kids, making sure they aren’t running into spots where they shouldn’t be. Everyone is welcome to bring a picnic or snack to enjoy at the picnic tables in the shade as well.
Lucky Acres Farms has participated in the Upstate Farm Tour in the beginning of the summer so bookmark that event if you’d like to go see them then. Gloria also sells her hats, scarves, mittens, and other items made from alpaca fleece at area craft fairs or you can order online. And if you’re in the market for goats or alpacas, Lucky Acres Farm does sell them at certain times during the year.
Stay Overnight at the Farm
Not long ago, Gloria and her husband decided that maybe people would really like to stay at the farm and play with the alpacas while seeing a Clemson game or hiking in the nearby mountains or enjoying Lake Hartwell. Hence the Airbnb on the property came about.
The spot is perfect for families, couples, or people just traveling through the area. It’s pet-friendly, can sleep four guests, and of course, Gloria is an outstanding host.
My kids and I all immensely enjoyed our time at Lucky Acres Farm and the excellent tour by Gloria. It was hard to say goodbye to the fluffy alpacas because they are just so adorable and friendly and I just wanted to cuddle with them. You will too when you go, promise.
Will you be planning a trip to Lucky Acres Farm?
Lucky Acres Farm
1024 Milford Road, Townville
Kristina Hernandez
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