Dating & Love
Do you really have a sense of humor—quiz
It’s Saturday. Let’s have some fun. And take some humor quizzes? Yay.
No deep dive into dating. No advice on your photos. No tips on messaging. Or the right dating site. Nope, nada, nothing, rien, zero, niente, nichts.
Well, you probably think you have a sense of humor. (SOH) And on a call you tell me that. Or you tell me how none of your dates have a sense of humor.
Oh, wait, could it be you?
This sense of humor thing has been going on over 25+ years, most of my career….and yes, I roll my eyes. Because I know I’m funny. (just kidding)
So in the olden days of the 90s when I started It’s Just Lunch, ( had to write down three characteristics they were looking for.
Always, always on the list was sense of humor. Along with either kind, active, adventurous or serious about a relationship. Or you tell me you just laugh all day at little things in life. Nothing brings you down. (hmm, excuse the skeptic here)
Vanilla. (maybe there’s a reason I pick any ice cream except vanilla).
Ok, just boring and all of those words above pretty much are open to translation and mean….pretty much nothing.
If you use them in a profile with online dating, (oh I know I said no advice today) they get you…nowhere. Except maybe the reader is falling asleep as I often want to when I’m looking at bios and prompts online as I work with clients as a dating coach.
My new book coming out this fall has nearly a chapter on vanilla words. And funny words. And words that get you nowhere except deleted.
Back to humor. So many kinds. Dry. Silly. Self-deprecating. Witty. Weird. Monty Pyothon-ish. Or “I have a great sense of humor if it’s funny to me”.
Have some fun today and put a name on your humor. Here are some fun quizzes that may help you define your level of humor….or surprise you.
Hey, I’ve got an idea for you: Ok, I said no tips but here is one—-after you describe your sense of humor on a dating site (if you have one, sorry, some people just don’t so move on to your other amazing qualities)—then ask what sort of SOH do you have? Then include one of the links above.
Have a happy, laugh-filled Saturday!
Andrea McGinty
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