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Data Says Summer Is The Time To Try New Things


While in school, summer was the dream. Weeks of days open to adventure, sleeping in, exploring and hanging with friends. It held a magical quality and there usually always seemed something new to try. It turns out people carry the feeling into adulthood, in fact, a majority of adults see the summer as a chance for a bit of adventure.

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Not everything is crazy like a cross country road trip, but maybe having different foods, camping or learning to grill. Data says summer is the times to try different things. One survey was clear 59% of people want to try something new this summer. Among the desires include 17% cited a desire to go to see a new state or city, while more than a third (39%) said seeing friends and family is a must for their summer vacation. Going bungee jumping, paragliding, trying marijuana and making your ice cream are also things people want to explore.

Photo by Cassie Gallegos via Unsplash

Some people have already made or have completed some of their summer wish list. Among the actives include waterskiing (44%), wakeboarding (43%), surfing (41%). Other want to learn something new like how to make water balloons, bowling and gardening. Others want to attend outdoor concerts, travel and most of explore.

And, some want to experiment with craft cocktails, summer drinks, and marijuana.

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Studies have previously discovered teenagers and college students were more likely to try alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana for the first time during summer months, but a study published in the Journal for General Internist Medicine, focused its attention on age groups including adults. In addition, the researchers were interested in the time of initiation for cocaine and hallucinogenic drugs for various demographics.

Palamar, an associate professor in the Department of Population Health at NYU School of Medicine, and other researchers suggested an explanation for why people were more likely to experiment with drugs in the summer. The emergence of music festivals and outdoor concerts along with more free time in the summer.


Sarah Johns

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