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Things We Saw Today: The Nightmare Fuel That Is the 1930 “Miss Lovely Eyes” Competition


a black and white photo of a row of ladies in horrifying masks that leave only their eyes uncovered

Move over Black Friday it’s time for Scary Saturday! And that means really taking in and absorbing the unsettling horror that is the “Miss Lovely Eyes” beauty competition held in Florida in 1930. Shared to Twitter from the Vintage Everyday blog, we can now behold these women as they glare at us from behind their Hannibal Lecter meets a Dixie paper plate masks. The woman in the center, much like all of us, is deeply regretting her life choices.

Meanwhile, Politico has revealed that California Governor Gavin Newsom had a phone call with the White House immediately after his reelection in the 2022 midterms in which he assured them that he would not attempt to primary President Biden in 2024. People have really been pushing this narrative because Newsom has been vocally critical of the Democrats soft stances since taking power, and I think Newsom definitely has eventual designs on the White House, but please let’s just wait for Biden to declare he’s even running again before we all jump on Politico’s rumor mill. – Politico

The pop-star Irene Cara passed away in her home this morning at the age of 63. She burst onto the scene in the 1980 musical Fame, as Coco Hernandez one of the students of New York’s famous High School for the Performing Arts. She released a hit record that included the title theme of the film as well as the ballad “Out Here on My Own” which led her to be nominated for two Grammys and a Golden Globe. She also co-wrote and sang “Flashdance… What a Feeling” for the film Flashdance. This became another huge hit and won her the Oscar for Best Original Song and a Grammy for Best Pop Vocal Performance. Dance one out for this iconic diva. – CNN

Twitter continues its descent into 4chan territory after an extremely unserious list was leaked from right-wing/fascist trolls that they were intending to target for mass reporting and suspension. They claimed everyone on the list was an “antifa” activist/left-wing terrorist but list included everyone from actual organizers and social justice-oriented accounts to Britney Spears, the “weirdlilguys” cat account, Best of Next Door, and comedy writers. Basically just anyone they decided was too popular or well-liked? Many of the accounts were forced to go on private mode as a result.

(Image: Vintage Everyday)

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