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Boston, Massachusetts Local News

Arrest log


The following arrests were made recently by local police departments. All defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Massachusetts’ privacy law prevents police from releasing information involving domestic and sexual violence arrests with the goal to protect the alleged victims.


• Benjamin Khammanivong, 26, 14 Lundberg St., Lowell; operating motor vehicle after license suspension, marked lanes violation, carrying firearm while loaded, unlawful possession of large capacity feeding device, carrying firearm without license.

• Kevin Rousseau, 62, 33 Morningside Drive, Lowell; public drinking, trespassing.

• Juan Agudelo Louiza, 30, 6 Ford St., Boston; warrant (suspended license).

• Justin Butler, 45, 181 Vale St., First Floor, Tewksbury; operating motor vehicle after license suspension.

• Tommy Nguyen, 29, no fixed address; attempt or break safe.

• Amanda Bellan, 28, homeless; warrants (failure to appear for malicious damage to motor vehicle, and trespassing).

• Walezka Carmona, 30, homeless; warrants (failure to appear for possession of Class A drug, and possession of Class B drug).

• Ashley Hartwell, 35, homeless; warrants (failure to appear for possession of Class B drug, and possession of Class C drug).

• Jacqueline Mara, 27, 16 Wright St., Lowell; warrants (failure to appear for larceny under $1,200, shoplifting, receiving stolen property, assault with dangerous weapon, and two counts of possession of Class A drug).

• Rok Rong, 50, homeless; warrant (probation violation for distribution of Class B drug), possession of Class B drug with intent to distribute.

• Shelly Coiley, 39, 193 Summer St., Lowell; warrant (credit card fraud).

• Michael Dalton, 33, 606 School St., Lowell; warrant (failure to appear for possession of Class A drug), possession of Class B drug.

• Daniel Jacobs, 32, 7 Rolling Hill Road, Billerica; possession of Class B drug.

• Lamar Hughes, 55, Lowell; trespassing after notice.

• Luis Gomez, 33, 300 Massmills Drive, Apt. 307, Lowell; warrants (failure to appear for possession of Class A drug, larceny under $1,200, breaking and entering building at daytime to commit felony, and four counts of trespassing.

• Steven Khiev, 30, 20 Eugene St., Lowell; manufacturing/dispensing Class B drug, conspiracy to violate drug law (felony).

• Franchesca Hernandez, 40, homeless; warrants (failure to appear for possession of Class A drug, three counts of possession of Class B drug, two counts of larceny under $1,200, shoplifting, larceny over $1,200, and possession of Class C drug).

• Jonathan Aquino, 35, 31 Maplewood Ave., Billerica; trafficking in cocaine 18 grams or more.

• Peter Poulakos, 32, 395 Mammoth Road, Apt. 5, Lowell; warrant (larceny under $1,200).

• Joseph Conry, 51, homeless; warrants.

• Aimee Sherwood, 40, homeless; warrant (possession of Class B drug).


• Kyle Thomas Ryan, 31, 8802 Luminaria Lane, Odessa, Fla.; assault and battery with dangerous weapon.


• Joshua Eisnor, 45, 325 Park St., North Reading; uninsured motor vehicle, unregistered motor vehicle, motor vehicle lights violation.

• Juvenile, 17; malicious destruction of property less than $1,200.


Staff Report

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