Self Help
Harika’s Story of Braving The Emotional Turbulence with Confidence and Therapy – YourDOST Blog
“Growth is painful. Change is painful, but nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.” – N.R. Narayana Murthy.
We all have times when we feel stuck, and overwhelmed by life’s challenges. It’s easy to feel alone and unsure of how to move forward but real growth happens when we face these challenges, ask for help, and make changes to build a better future. The journey can be tough, but the rewards of a personal transformation and newfound strength make it worth the effort.
Meet Harika, a 32-year-old MSc Life Sciences student at Ahmedabad University, who comes from the beautiful state of Rajasthan.
Harika’s childhood was filled with emotional and mental struggles. She remembers those early years as difficult and hard-hitting and would often feel that her parents misunderstood and unsupported her.
“My childhood was quite difficult, and it was struggling. I was dealing with a lot emotionally hence I wish that no one should go through the same childhood.”
Despite her disrupted mental well-being, she made it a point to maintain a strong bond with her siblings as they provided a sense of comfort and companionship to her.
“I channelled my energies and thoughts into doing positive things like singing, painting, and dancing as a child. It was just a way out of my stress.”
As Harika grew old and entered her early twenties, she realised that she was becoming more of a socially isolated and introverted person, which did not line with her true personality. This change was holding her back from reaching her educational and personal goals and Harika sought help professionally as soon as possible.

Harika learned about YourDOST through Ahmedabad University, which partners with the organization as their official mental health partner. Here she met her counsellor and her first impression of her, a clinical psychologist, was overwhelmingly positive.
“She was a clinical psychologist and she was the first therapist I ever met. She helped me reach a turning point in life and is an example of a great mental health practitioner. We gelled together great as I was really happy that I got someone to talk to. She made me feel heard and seen and this was a new feeling for me.”
One of the key techniques Harika’s therapist used was Cognitive Behavioral Therapy also known as CBT. This approach helped her recognise and rectify negative thought patterns and she replaced them with positive ones. They also discussed some practical activities like writing and deep breathing to manage her anxiety.
The impact of therapy on Harika’s life was profound as she experienced significant positive changes in her emotional expression and behaviour. This, in turn, improved her relationships and restructured her thoughts, boosting her confidence levels.
“My emotions and expressing those emotions began to transform. After working on my behavioural patterns I saw that my relationships got better and my thoughts were restructured. It significantly increased my confidence levels as I do feel that I have transformed as a person and that’s the biggest positive change I experienced.”
Harika expresses deep gratitude for her therapist and acknowledges the crucial role they played in her journey.
“I think if my therapist were not there at the right kind of time, I would not have been where I am today. Not having a great sync with your counsellor or therapist or not having the right person may result in negative results, but I was blessed to have the perfect mentors and am grateful for them.”
In terms of feeling better, Harika rates herself a 4 out of 5, and she views improvement as a continuous journey. She emphasizes the importance of reaching out for help when needed and recognizes the value of self-awareness gained from therapy.
We at YourDOST are confident that Harika is on her way to achieving her goals and wish her the best in all her future endeavours!
Harika’s Warrior Tips:
1.“If you realize that you need help, and you feel that there’s no way out, reach out to professional help no matter what.”
2.“The self-awareness and insight you gain from therapy are immeasurable.”
3.“Reach out to professional help even if it means ranting.”
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