Self Help
Rahul’s Journey of Healing – YourDOST Blog
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.
This quote is a reminder that challenges are just a part of life, and overcoming them is where true strength lies. When we face difficult situations, it’s natural to seek comfort and an easy escape. However, the most rewarding experiences often come from facing and working through these challenges.
We bring you the story of Rahul, a 19-year-old student studying an Integrated BSMS at the prestigious IISER Tirupati. His future plans are to become a PhD scholar and a scientist, and also he aspires to become a man of science.
Rahul’s childhood wasn’t a bed of roses at all as he didn’t have a great relationship with his family.
“There is an emotional distance between me and my family which made it hard to share my feelings and experiences with those even closest to me.”
He found peace and solace in his hobbies, like basketball and sketching. These activities provided him with an outlet and a way to express himself.
It was during his time at IISER Tirupati that Rahul heard about YourDOST. The institute had partnered with YourDOST as their official mental health partner, offering students a valuable resource for mental health support.
“My journey with YourDOST began with my counsellor Ms Tanvi Nair. Initially, I was sceptical and found it hard to open up and the first impression wasn’t great as well, but gradually, through collaborative effort, things started to improve. Tanvi’s persistence and empathy played a significant role in building a relationship of trust between us.”
Rahul turned to therapy because of a relationship that didn’t work out. He couldn’t be emotionally connected with his partner which created a barrier between them.
“This incident made me realise that I needed to understand myself better and improve my emotional connections. I also discussed my academic and career pressures with Tanvi, which helped me become more comfortable with my feelings.”

Tanvi introduced Rahul to mindfulness techniques and encouraged him to explore new ideas. One effective method she taught him was box breathing, which helped him manage stress and anxiety. Her eagerness to help and the various techniques she provided were crucial in Rahul’s progress.
“Over time I began noticing positive changes in myself as I began to feel more comfortable in my skin. Therapy helped me realise the importance of my feelings which were a lot different to what I had been taught during my childhood.”
Hearing hurtful things from his own family had made it hard for him to move forward, and he had become a people pleaser, always seeking approval from others. Therapy helped Rahul break free from this cycle.
“Tanvi’s empathy and understanding created a safe space to express my thoughts and ideas without fear of judgment. Our conversations were fruitful and rewarding and I am deeply grateful for her support.”
Today, Rahul rates himself a 3 out of 5 in terms of feeling better. He admits that there is still room for improvement and he is optimistic about his growth and the progress he has made.
We at YourDOST are confident that Rahul is on his way to achieving great things and wish him all the best in his future endeavors!
Rahul’s Warrior Tips:
1.“Seeking help makes you strong and reflects your inner strength.”
2.“Know yourself better than anyone, so that you can handle yourself at any time.”
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