Self Help
Shrinivas’s Story of Facing his Fears with Therapy – YourDOST Blog
Life can at times feel like you’re a character in a TV drama, constantly facing new challenges and plot twists. Just like Ted Lasso, who tackles every obstacle of his with optimism and determination, we too have to face our own ups and downs. Success doesn’t come with a fast-forward button but it requires patience and hard work.
Meet Shrinivas, a 31-year-old government employee from Rajasthan who was born and raised in a loving joint family.
He has a brother and is now married, enjoying the warmth and support of family life. His childhood was typical, filled with love and care. However, he grew up in a highly competitive environment, especially in aspects like academics which planted the seeds of anxiety and depression in his adolescence.
“I grew up in an extremely competitive environment, especially in studies and other activities. There was a lot of comparison. Over time, I developed anxiety, which continued into my college life.”
Shreenivas makes up for his anxious mentality with his hobbies. He loves playing and watching cricket, enjoys music, is very social and finds comfort in talking to people.
Shrinivas first heard about YourDOST from his friends at Uplers, a company that partners with the platform as their official mental health partner. Shrinivas was relieved to find a counsellor who made him feel comfortable and understood.
“I was looking for someone I could talk to easily. My counsellor made me feel at ease, and I felt relieved to share everything inside me. She also gave me suggestions on how to deal with my issues.”
At that time, Shrinivas was facing many challenges. The competitive environment he grew up in, along with struggles in his professional and personal life, made him very unhappy. The pressure of meeting others’ expectations built up over the years, and he felt overwhelmed and depressed. Seeking answers, he even turned to astrologers, hoping to find some clarity.
“I had developed preconceptions over the last 10 years based on my performance in professional life, college, and how people thought of me. These built up over time and eventually broke me down and I was in a dark place, feeling very depressed.”

With the help of his counsellor, Shrinivas began to adopt new activities and techniques to improve his mental health. Reading became a soothing hobby, helping him calm down during stressful times. Embracing his social nature, he started connecting with people who shared his interests, forming groups to engage in common activities. Yoga and meditation also became part of his routine, helping him focus on the non-material aspects of life.
“There are various things on mobile phones and laptops that display negative content. My counsellor advised me to take a break from these devices and spend time with loved ones instead. This step helped me a lot.”
Shrinivas noticed positive changes in his life over time and his confidence grew as he became less prone to panic over small issues. Whenever he felt overwhelmed, he turned to his loved ones for support and focused on what truly mattered to him. This shift in perspective helped him develop a more disciplined and fulfilling life.
“I try to socialise with people who care for me, which calms me down and makes me realise the importance of letting go of things that bother me. Most importantly, I have started avoiding comparing myself to others.”
Shrinivas is very grateful to his counsellor for the guidance and support that made a significant difference in his life.
“I would like to thank my counsellor as her suggestions have been very helpful. I listened to her, and it worked. I would suggest she keeps doing what she’s doing because it really makes a difference.”
In terms of feeling better, Shrinivas rates himself a 4 out of 5, with confidence being the key marker of his improvement. He believes that continuous growth and self-improvement are essential for a fulfilling life.
We at YourDOST are confident that he will soon strike the Golden 5 and we wish him the best for his future!
Shrinivas’s Warrior Tips:
1.“Remember what’s most important in your life and what truly makes you happy. Focus on achieving these things and let go of the rest.”
2.“Develop a disciplined life to handle both happiness and sadness.”
3.“Stay connected with your parents or loved ones. They will always guide you on the right path.”
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