Self Help
Kanishk’s Journey of Braving Demotivation and New Beginnings with Therapy – YourDOST Blog
“Sometimes, the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tiptoe if you must, but take the step.” – Naeem Callaway.
In life, there may come situations, in which we may be forced to take a decision. The decision may soon become a turning point in our lives and take us to heights we never imagined. The right decision at the right time is all it takes to rise in our journey.
Meet Kanishk, a 19-year-old student at the prestigious Shri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC) in Delhi.
Kanishk stayed briefly in Uttar Pradesh when his father was transferred there even though he was born and brought up in Delhi. He shared a close bond with his family while growing up.
“I have mostly stayed at home from a young age, instead of going out much, which has its trade-offs. I don’t have many friends outside of my home, however, the proximity of the relationship with my family is quite strong.”
Kanishk’s family consists of his parents, his sister, and himself. He considers himself to be the closest to his mother out of all family members.
“I have been more focused towards academics from childhood. However, I enjoy gaming and a little bit of painting.”
Kanishk first heard about YourDOST from SRCC, which partners with the organization as their official mental health partner. Here, he was matched with Ms. Shreya Angara as his counsellor.
“My first impression of her was great, honestly and the first session went well. She was very cooperative and understanding. Even after 60 sessions together, she still understands how I perceive things and helps me break down issues analytically to understand the core problem.”
Kanishk began seeking therapy in his first year at SRCC. He had high ambitions when he came to college and wanted to make friends and have fun. However, a triggering incident from a school friend dimmed his confidence levels.

“My so-called friend passed a comment, suggesting that I might not be fitting in well at SRCC. That was the trigger incident, and my overthinking tendencies pushed me into a cycle of thoughts.”
Kanishk’s therapy sessions with Ms Shreya focused on both structural changes and social life issues. Whenever there was a cyclical problem, they discussed ways to change his mindset. For social life problems, they thought of solutions and ways out as he wanted to get better.
One of the techniques his counsellor taught him was to understand changes in others’ behaviour without blaming himself.
“She told me that if someone acted differently, it doesn’t mean I’ve done something wrong. They might be going through something personal and need time and this perspective was enlightening.”
Kanishk expresses his heartfelt thanks and gratitude to Ms Shreya.
“I’m eternally grateful to my counsellor for holding my hand and walking me through complexities I couldn’t have navigated alone. I’m forever indebted to her for my improvement.”
In terms of feeling better, Kanishk rates himself a solid 4 out of 5 and believes improvement comes through introspection.
We at YourDOST are confident that Kanishk is on the brink of reaching his golden 5 and we wish him luck in all his future endeavors.
Kanishk’s Warrior Tips:
1.“Both good times and bad times come to an end.”
2.“When feeling low or depressed, always believe in yourself and engage in learning something new.”
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