Self Help
Madhuri’s Tale of Braving The Blows of a Failed Love and Moving Ahead With Therapy – YourDOST Blog
Do you remember the excellent movie “Legally Blonde”? In the film, Elle Woods, the protagonist, turns her life around after a tough breakup. It shows that real life too often requires us to gather the strength to overcome our struggles. When we face challenging situations, seeking help and believing in ourselves can lead to unexpected and positive transformations.
Meet Madhuri, a 22-year-old engineering graduate from IIT Dharwad. Hailing from Hyderabad, the City of Pearls, she grew up in a loving and supportive family.
“I had a memorable childhood as a kid. I share a close bond with my parents and elder sister but I’m closer to my mom.”
Madhuri first heard about YourDOST through her college, which had partnered with the organization as their official mental health partner. This discovery turned out to be a crucial support system during a tough time in her life.
In her final year of B.Tech, Madhuri was pursuing her long-distance relationship which started in her first year. Her partner was initially loving and kind but gradually became verbally abusive and angry. Madhuri turned to YourDOST for help as she was confused and hurt.
“Here I met my counsellor, Ms Divya Malhotra. She was empathetic and listened to all I said. I just wanted someone to hear me out, and she was my go-to person for that.”
After college, both Madhuri and her partner started working in the same city, which made things worse. Madhuri’s emotional disturbance grew as her partner’s behaviour worsened and he became physically abusive.
Divya helped Madhuri understand the importance of setting boundaries and deciding whether the relationship was worth saving. With Divya’s guidance, and her friend’s support, Madhuri made the brave decision to leave the toxic relationship.
“This decision not only improved my emotional well-being but also my productivity and work quality, which had been compromised by stress.”

Madhuri followed several techniques recommended by Divya to manage her anxiety and improve her well-being. She started setting up boundaries and adjusted her diet by reducing junk food and including green tea to reduce anxiety. She also started journaling about her emotions and it became a daily habit that provided a much-needed outlet for her.
“Gradually, I started seeing changes in my emotional state by being calm and less anxious. I think if I had been more consistent with therapy, I might have seen even more changes.”
Madhuri feels immense gratitude toward Divya for her unwavering support and presence in her life.
“She was extremely kind to me and listened to my rants and concerns with patience. I know it’s her profession, but she created an emotional bond with me and was there when I needed someone desperately.”
Today, Madhuri rates herself a 4 out of 5 in terms of feeling better and envisions long-term mental relief as her improvement.
We, at YourDOST believe that Madhuri is well on her journey to achieving her goals and living a happier, healthier life. We wish her all the best in her future endeavors!
Madhuri’s Warrior Tips:
1.“Sometimes we can’t believe we can get better, but trust the process and you’ll see the changes.”
2.“Take the right decision at the right time and believe in yourself.”
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