Fact Checking
MBFC’s Daily Vetted Fact Checks for 06/25/2024
Media Bias Fact Check selects and publishes fact checks from around the world. We only utilize fact-checkers who are either a signatory of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) or have been verified as credible by MBFC. Further, we review each fact check for accuracy before publishing. We fact-check the fact-checkers and let you know their bias. When appropriate, we explain the rating and/or offer our own rating if we disagree with the fact-checker. (D. Van Zandt)
Claim Codes: Red = Fact Check on a Right Claim, Blue = Fact Check on a Left Claim, Black = Not Political/Conspiracy/Pseudoscience/Other
Fact Checker bias rating Codes: Red = Right-Leaning, Green = Least Biased, Blue = Left-Leaning, Black = Unrated by MBFC
FALSE | Claim by Donald Trump (R): Trump claimed the U.S. left $85 billion worth of brand-new military equipment in Afghanistan during the 2021 withdrawal
Check Your Fact rating: False (Multiple sources and experts indicate that Trump conflated the $88.61 billion the U.S. spent on security in Afghanistan with the value of the equipment left behind. Two reports from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan (SIGAR), released in 2019 and 2021, respectively, state the U.S. spent $18 billion on equipment.) |
Claim via Social Media: Biden said he’s running to ‘reduce the prospect of war in Vietnam’
USA Today rating: False (The post misquotes Biden, who in an answer to a question about his legacy, said one reason he first ran for office was to reduce the prospect of war “because of” Vietnam – not “in” the southeast Asian country. He also makes clearer in the interview that he is referencing his bid for a U.S. Senate seat in 1972 – during the Vietnam War – not the presidency in 2024.) Post misquotes Joe Biden on campaign, Vietnam War | Fact check |
Claim via Social Media: Marjorie Taylor Greene Tweeted Everyone Needs To Buy More FVCK JOE BIDEN Flags.
Lead Stories rating: False (Fake Tweet) Fact Check: Marjorie Taylor Greene Did NOT Tweet ‘Everyone Needs To Buy More ‘FVCK JOE BIDEN’ Flags’ |
Claim by Cortney Campbell (Anti-Cancer Mom): Diet and lifestyle changes, rather than standard treatments like chemotherapy or radiation, can cause spontaneous remission of cancer
Health Feedback rating: Unsupported (There is extremely limited evidence explaining the potential mechanisms for spontaneous remission of cancer. While a lifestyle choice like eating a balanced diet can have a net positive impact on health, there isn’t scientific evidence to support the notion that it can cure cancer.) Spontaneous remission of cancer is rare; no evidence it occurs from diet or lifestyle changes |
Claim by Ritchie Torres (D): “The loss of SALT deductibility cost our state $15 billion in revenue. So New Yorkers are paying more in taxes and receiving fewer services because of Donald Trump.”
Politifact rating: Mostly False (Claims that New Yorkers lose out on $15 billion because of the cap on state and local tax deductions are at odds with IRS data that show that New Yorkers actually paid less total federal taxes.) |
FALSE | (International: Australia): Claim by Shooters Union Australia: Proposed laws will allow Queensland authorities to order social media users to remove any content they don’t like.
Australian Associated Press rating: False (The bill would only allow police to order social media platforms to remove content depicting certain criminal acts, posted for specific purposes.) Qld bill won’t authorise ‘arbitrary censorship’ on social media |
Disclaimer: We are providing links to fact-checks by third-party fact-checkers. If you do not agree with a fact check, please directly contact the source of that fact check.
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