Trump Suggests Biden’s Debate Prep Includes Cocaine and Steroids
Back in 2020, before the first and only presidential debate, Donald Trump insanely suggested that Joe Biden was going to show up to the stage on performance enhancing drugs. “I will be strongly demanding a Drug Test of Sleepy Joe Biden prior to, or after, the Debate on Tuesday night,” he tweeted, like a totally stable candidate for office would, and then added of Biden’s skills during the Democratic primaries: “His Debate performances have been record setting UNEVEN, to put it mildly. Only drugs could have caused this discrepancy???”
Fast-forward four years, and with CNN’s debate just days away, the former guy has revived his claim. On Saturday, at a rally in Philadelphia, Trump told the crowd: “Right now, crooked Joe has gone to a log cabin to ‘study,’” putting air quotes around study. “He’s sleeping now, because they want to get him good and strong. So a little before debate time, he gets a shot in the ass…. I say he’ll come out all jacked up, right?”
While it wasn’t clear if Trump was implying Biden would be injected with, say, steroids or perhaps a B-12 shot, moments later he appeared to suggest the president’s debate prep would involve a line or two of cocaine. “I’m sure he’ll be prepared,” Trump said, before bringing up a 2023 incident in which a bag of cocaine was found in the guest lobby of the White House. “Whatever happened to all that cocaine that was missing a month ago from the White House?”
As they did in 2020, Trump and his allies have painted themselves into a corner in which they feel it necessary to float the absurd idea that Biden will be on drugs during the debate, because they’ve spent every other waking hour claiming the president is on death’s door/has dementia/can’t string “two sentences together.” So it would look really bad for them if Biden then showed up and could not only string a pair of sentences together but ran rhetorical circles around Trump, whose ability to speak has never been a strong suit. Drugs it is then!
Team Trump is working overtime to lower expectations for Thursday
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This man is an actual candidate for president
Bess Levin
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